There is clearly something going on, anyone have any backstory on when the 2 year delta theory began forming and what evidence there is to support it?
the last two weeks it feels like everything is checkable to exactly 2 years ago.
which leads me to wonder if "you have more than you know" and "future proves past" make a whole lot more sense now.
...and if so...
i'm not ready to go all-in on this and attribute it to a tesla time machine, but it certainly points me towards a predictive AI aka project looking glass.
anyone got a cultivated lists of 2 year delta proofs handy? because it's a very promising rabbit hole and all i'm finding are repeated references within threads.
yeah i mean think about it in decades ago mindset... the concept of predictive AI is easier to convey as a "window into the future" back than then now. i mean look at deep blue... it's not seeing the future it's just using possible outcomes to decide what moves to make.
we could very well be witnessing two rival primitive ASI's (US and China) fighting a war.
That is a theory many folks subscribe to. Two quantum computers fighting against each other. Some thing there might even be a 3rd one.
...imagine what the silicone valley, cancel cultist. SJW, "the world is gonna end unless we kill off all the people" types would do with an ASI
Btw, I don't know if you have watched the video interview of a guy who worked in the looking glass project. Regardless of how we view looking glass (time jump or a predictive ASI) what he said was very interesting. This interview was done in late 80s or 90s.
He was hired by the folks using the looking glass because they didnt like what they saw. They wanted him to find a way to change the outcome. What was the outcome they hated so much?
No matter what choices they made, whether its bombing entire countries or world war III or anything else, all the timelines would start converging around 2012, and by 2020 the humanity would enter "Ascension". Again we can define that word in a spiritual way or a contemporary scientific way, it does not matter. What matters is that these people did not want humanity to Ascend. They wanted to avoid this event. They wanted him to work out what to do to change this outcome.
And he spent years on it, and there was nothing he could find. Every alternative lead to the same outcome - ascension.
Oh, and when was this convergence of timelines leading to ascension supposed to happen? April 2021.
do you happen to have a link to that? cause i'd love to watch.
ascension could easily be the day we throw off the yoke of the big government cabal.