Zoom in to see the ship blocking the channel, then zoom out and go to the north and zoom in to see all the ships waiting to transit the canal. Then zoom out and go to the south of the canal and zoom back in to see all the ships there. Navy ships may or may not show their position. Plus union would need their call sign To find them
Zoom in to see the ship blocking the channel, then zoom out and go to the north and zoom in to see all the ships waiting to transit the canal. Then zoom out and go to the south of the canal and zoom back in to see all the ships there. Navy ships may or may not show their position. Plus union would need their call sign To find them
ty fren
Getting “bad request 400” error
Try this
TY. The first boat I saw was a tug BARAKa1 just up the way from ever given
HRC and BO together again
Barack trying to get HRC unstuck.....oh the irony.