Shad_ow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Has anyone else noticed there are a lot of people asking why the unvaccinated knew not to trust the shots and refused to comply?

Is it possible they are trying make sure they don't make the same mistakes with the next pandemic?

Shad_ow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Alabama is a smaller State population wise, with more sense of community than some. It was obvious to me the death counts were wrong from the beginning because I would have known people who died and didn't. This was just two weeks after they started the media crush and it made me wary of everything from then on. The empty hospitals made it evident we were being lied to. I know they closed down entire floors and wings here to make it appear they had no available beds.
Most of you have mentioned the lies about early treatment and the mRNA vaccines themselves. That information was available to anyone who took the time to see. I cannot fathom why so many people were quickly willing to accept a "vaccine" we knew so little about when it was obvious that COVID, real or not, was being used to control us.

Shad_ow 2 points ago +2 / -0

We all have friends and family who made the vaccine mistake out of fear to trust the wrong people. It's frustrating for us because we tried to tell them. It's also frightening for us because we fear for them now.

All that said, we are counting the vaccine damages and deaths with determination so we can help to end the program and find a way to help those who have suffered. Without our demand for the truth and prosecution of those who knowingly pushed this poison that will not happen. So what may seem excitement by most is really part of the fight. We must force the world to see and that will require the ugly facts.

Shad_ow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump knew what was going to happen, he set the trap. If he didn't there really isn't much of a plan and we are screwed. I don't believe that. I hope we see real movement soon though!

Shad_ow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trial in the court of public opinion before mid-terms. They have been looking for 6 years and have found nothing. They have tried to invent something and nothing is sticking. They are desperate.

Shad_ow 4 points ago +4 / -0

Also Drop # 2629

[D] Day, Patriots. We will have our country back. Q+

Shad_ow 7 points ago +7 / -0

Matthew Hopkins @MattHopkins_au · Aug 15 Two kinds of people in the world of #covid. Those that did their research and those that are the research. #unvaccinated

Shad_ow 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's exactly why it has been suggested. It is a way for corrupt officials to handpick the winner. This must be stopped along with the hackable machines and counting beyond election day.

Shad_ow 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's about 4 hours drive for me. If any of you find it available for shipping please let us know.

Shad_ow 4 points ago +4 / -0

Same here. Hard to determine fact from fiction with the depravity we see daily.

Shad_ow 5 points ago +5 / -0

There are the depraved who seek self gratification any way they can get it and there are the power hungry who will do anything to get it and keep it. The most disturbing to me are those who follow the first two above to be part of group think and think of themselves as superior if they do. They are the reason out country is faced with the mandates and tyranny we are suffering. Without their complicity the corrupt and depraved would be small ripples in society and forgotten in history.

Shad_ow 9 points ago +9 / -0

I'm sorry and hope your in-law recovers without permanent problems. Many in my family have taken have taken one form or another of the vaccine and I am angry because I fear long term detrimental effects. Even though I have been staunchly against the vaccines from the beginning I want to be wrong about the poison and pray no one suffers from them. Under the best circumstances they do not work. The claim that they prevent severe symptoms from COVID are not provable. That isn't why vaccines are given. The only person I have known personally who actually died from COVID was fully vaccinated. I have known many who have had COVID, some in their 80's, and all have recovered. Why would anyone take the vaccine after doing research and reading experiences from thousands first? Why would anyone take it period?

Shad_ow 1 point ago +1 / -0

A city cannot conduct business like that. It is dangerous for the citizenry. It will lead to a complete breakdown and chaos.

Just as they want it.

Shad_ow 4 points ago +4 / -0

Barack trying to get HRC unstuck.....oh the irony.

Shad_ow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Walk in the light! (No Christian can ever walk in darkness and at the same time please God

Shad_ow 1 point ago +1 / -0

I liked Johnheretohelp's admission that Biden was "potus.........piece of totally useless sh*t."

by broward
Shad_ow 5 points ago +5 / -0

Roll Tide!

Shad_ow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Awarding Medal of Freedom to Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, and Belichick?