If I wanted to jam a boat into the side of the canal I would definitely speed up, move over to the left and then steer hard right to get the best chance of digging in to the side, rather than glancing off it.
Which is exactly what this boat did.
Then factor in the ass-dick tracking info, this is a message and was deliberate. Cutting the power would not automatically result in such a mess, these boats don't turn easily, they have a lot of momentum. It didn't drift i to the side, it was steering into the side.
I don't think so.
If I wanted to jam a boat into the side of the canal I would definitely speed up, move over to the left and then steer hard right to get the best chance of digging in to the side, rather than glancing off it.
Which is exactly what this boat did.
Then factor in the ass-dick tracking info, this is a message and was deliberate. Cutting the power would not automatically result in such a mess, these boats don't turn easily, they have a lot of momentum. It didn't drift i to the side, it was steering into the side.
The ass-dick pattern is seriously the best part of this while thing!!!
It really F-ed that Canal in the A!