Straight to his face.
We actually have a really great relationship. The rest of the office is totally brainwashed about vaccines and other leftist bullshit, so I'm the only one who is openly refusing to get vaccinated. He came to my desk to tell me about how Walgreens is offering vaccines to basically anyone and I said "that's great news for people who want the vaccine." He asked me would I really not get it? "Nope." Why? "Because I don't like it, I don't think it's necessary, it's an experimental injection and not even technically a vaccine, I believe in my immune system and I don't like how it's been socially engineered and forced upon the public. I don't like it."
He was silent.
I continued with "and so if you decide vaccines are mandatory, I'll be working from home." He said, "well, if vaccination was mandatory and you refused, you'd have to find another job." I said, "yep."
"You'd find another job?"
"Yes, I would." I was on my way to deliver something to one of my interns on the other side of the office, so that's where the conversation ended.
Uncle got the shot, died 3 drums later. Sister I law nurse got both, now she is having fainting spells and other symptoms.
Yeah, fuck all that noise. Do you remember which version of the "vax" they happened to take? I hear the most problems are from the mRNA variety.
How long is a drum? Condolences for your loss. I feel like this is an update and they weren’t that bad to start with, an I remembering that right? Have you posted about them before?
severe symptoms including death seem to be averaging 10 to 14 days after the jab.
Were are you pulling those stats from? (Accounting for the inaccuracy of government data sources) I haven’t found them willing to admit deaths even directly after.
Mother and step father got the shot. Both pretty much okay.
Recovery was a whore though. Do not recommend.