Exactly what I came here to say. I looked on a couple of sites like that recently, to annoy myself apparently, and that's all I see. Take the guns away ... no one needs a gun that can .... It's as if they believe that some law is going to cause everyone to turn in their guns and no shooting will ever occur again? What about all the criminals w/ unregistered guns in the first place? The govt. has no clue they even have them, why would they ever turn them in??? So they no doubt will still have their guns. They can do whatever they want at that point. And not one of these sites blames the shooter who has multiple priors of being violent and prob should not have had a gun, just the gun. In fact, they blame everyone else for every single thing that ever happens, anywhere. Everything has an excuse, or is someone else's fault. But they stick up for the shooter and say he was bullied!! As if that gives him a pass. The constant, intense propaganda, I assume, has caused common sense in a whole lot of people to go right out the window, assuming a lot of people had any in the first place. IMHO.
That’s true mockingbird media trying to paint a narrative and government wanting to do a gun buy back with their fiat currency that will soon be worthless. I just hope the majority of Americans can see through this DS trick
Guerrilla warfare is important. You start small, you ambush and you build an arsenal and a crew. You can sleep in a ditch, they have routines and fixed locations. What is freedom from tyranny worth?Their problem is they don't have the patriotic spirit of freedom and no surrender. Their is a reason farmers using molotovs were able to stop german tanks and build a resistance in ww2. Many countries populations have been mentally beaten into submission and have a slave mentality. Glad to be here in the good ol' U.S of A where we as a citizenry at least have a head start on procuring weapons and our government is scared shitless about that.
That’s true and I’m reading the Ernest T Bass rock throwing manual too. If the sling shot band breaks I may be able to throw the rocks better. I’m stocking up on gravel right now.
I was always against guns and always thought stupid Americans and there guns. Then Clovid happend now I understand. In europe we are powerless against a tyrannical government.
Thank you, PoopyPatriot1983! Now Buyden, Pelosi, and Schumer are trying to follow the CCP playbook and force citizens to pay for abortion. Why does this seem like a step there?
"To Compel a Man to Furnish Funds for the Propagation of Ideas He Disbelieves and Abhors Is Sinful and Tyrannical!"~~Thomas Jefferson
Erm, this tweet is at the very least only half true. It is 100% legal for citizens of Venezuela to own and posses guns. In fact there are TONS of guns in Venezuela, it might rival the US in this fashion as far as guns per citizen. Can't say about Cuba but the person who tweeted this obviously did zero research so I wouldn't trust that statement either
How long ago were you in Venezuela?
Edit - I'm assuming it's been a while because private ownership of guns has been illegal in Venezuela sine 2012. You can;t even buy a bb gun or airsoft gun legally there anymore. 20 years in jail punishment. One minute of research yields scores of articles about Venezuela's tyrannical gun ban. In short, you don't know what you are talking about.
It was indeed before 2012. But I know for a fact that EVERYONE has guns in Venezuela still. I also know for a fact that Venezuela was becoming a shithole before 2012. The problems of Venezuela have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with ownership or non-ownership of guns. I imagine they banned guns because of rampant gun crime but it has done no good. The government doesn't have have control of vast swathes of the country. Regardless, the premise presented in the tweet is absolutely false.
You'll never hear about all the 3-letter agency killings. They kill more people than crazies in mass shootings ever could. But you'll never hear about those killer agencies because the MSM is part of the cabal. Agency killings are probably at the top of the murder list..maybe right behind the gang on gang killings.
all the MSM this morning is on "gun violence" narrative.
guns are not violent.
people trying to kill me are violent.
guns make them go away
Nice ???
Exactly what I came here to say. I looked on a couple of sites like that recently, to annoy myself apparently, and that's all I see. Take the guns away ... no one needs a gun that can .... It's as if they believe that some law is going to cause everyone to turn in their guns and no shooting will ever occur again? What about all the criminals w/ unregistered guns in the first place? The govt. has no clue they even have them, why would they ever turn them in??? So they no doubt will still have their guns. They can do whatever they want at that point. And not one of these sites blames the shooter who has multiple priors of being violent and prob should not have had a gun, just the gun. In fact, they blame everyone else for every single thing that ever happens, anywhere. Everything has an excuse, or is someone else's fault. But they stick up for the shooter and say he was bullied!! As if that gives him a pass. The constant, intense propaganda, I assume, has caused common sense in a whole lot of people to go right out the window, assuming a lot of people had any in the first place. IMHO.
That’s true mockingbird media trying to paint a narrative and government wanting to do a gun buy back with their fiat currency that will soon be worthless. I just hope the majority of Americans can see through this DS trick
Buy back what...they didn't buy them for us.
i guess covid is on its way out, now its guns
Guerrilla warfare is important. You start small, you ambush and you build an arsenal and a crew. You can sleep in a ditch, they have routines and fixed locations. What is freedom from tyranny worth?Their problem is they don't have the patriotic spirit of freedom and no surrender. Their is a reason farmers using molotovs were able to stop german tanks and build a resistance in ww2. Many countries populations have been mentally beaten into submission and have a slave mentality. Glad to be here in the good ol' U.S of A where we as a citizenry at least have a head start on procuring weapons and our government is scared shitless about that.
That’s why I’m getting a sling shot and an ar-14.
You'll never run out of ammo on the sling shot at least.
That’s true and I’m reading the Ernest T Bass rock throwing manual too. If the sling shot band breaks I may be able to throw the rocks better. I’m stocking up on gravel right now.
Get a crossbow with scope. 70-80 yds very doable with a good rest. Silent way to obtain game/food and can serve dual purpose when all else fails.
That is a great idea. Thanks.
Have the slingshot, looking for firearm.
Same here.
I was always against guns and always thought stupid Americans and there guns. Then Clovid happend now I understand. In europe we are powerless against a tyrannical government.
Yes, you are. Now if you don't mind, this stupid American is going to purchase another firearm later today. Thanks.
"From my cold dead hands!!!!"
Got to go after the critical infrastructure. Illegal Government is not omnipresent.
I’ve long said I’m OK with communism as long as I’m in charge..! If not, I want no part of it.
Our public school and main stream media don’t teach history for a reason.
You Patriot are 100% correct ?????
400 million forced abortions I'm China. Don't forget about those.
Thank you, PoopyPatriot1983! Now Buyden, Pelosi, and Schumer are trying to follow the CCP playbook and force citizens to pay for abortion. Why does this seem like a step there? https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/06/us/politics/joe-biden-hyde-amendment.html "To Compel a Man to Furnish Funds for the Propagation of Ideas He Disbelieves and Abhors Is Sinful and Tyrannical!"~~Thomas Jefferson
Who came up with that policy? China? The Bank loaning them money?
The easy part is voting in communism. Sadly, the only way to end it, is to fight your way out. There in lies the problem.
Erm, this tweet is at the very least only half true. It is 100% legal for citizens of Venezuela to own and posses guns. In fact there are TONS of guns in Venezuela, it might rival the US in this fashion as far as guns per citizen. Can't say about Cuba but the person who tweeted this obviously did zero research so I wouldn't trust that statement either
Source: I lived there for 3 years
How long ago were you in Venezuela? Edit - I'm assuming it's been a while because private ownership of guns has been illegal in Venezuela sine 2012. You can;t even buy a bb gun or airsoft gun legally there anymore. 20 years in jail punishment. One minute of research yields scores of articles about Venezuela's tyrannical gun ban. In short, you don't know what you are talking about.
It was indeed before 2012. But I know for a fact that EVERYONE has guns in Venezuela still. I also know for a fact that Venezuela was becoming a shithole before 2012. The problems of Venezuela have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with ownership or non-ownership of guns. I imagine they banned guns because of rampant gun crime but it has done no good. The government doesn't have have control of vast swathes of the country. Regardless, the premise presented in the tweet is absolutely false.
Americans will just invent a new weapon you can build at home. Like Pugs with laser beams shooting out of their eyes.
Pugs shootin' thugs ?????
Guns do NOT kill people - PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE!
Are you listening DS? I would rather die fighting than live on my knees.
You'll never hear about all the 3-letter agency killings. They kill more people than crazies in mass shootings ever could. But you'll never hear about those killer agencies because the MSM is part of the cabal. Agency killings are probably at the top of the murder list..maybe right behind the gang on gang killings.
Pshaw! As if gangs aren't groomed and used by these agencies...MS13 comes to mind.
Nu Breed Feat. Jesse Howard - Welcome To My House
"It's hard to talk big with a shotgun in your mouth"
I hope to god they try to take our guns, if you want to unite the country, this is how you do it. I double fucking dare Biden to do it.