Even as it's not intentional, it will still help redpilling people. Like the South Park episode about Q and us. Awareness is spreading into mainstream.
A complete list of every guest star, music act, and member of the cast and crew of SNL who would rightly appear on a list of Adrenochrome consumers is likely to be depressingly long.
Soon no child will trust any adult. Tjey k ow what they arendoing. Imagine, the adult programmers posing as other kids talking about lewd shit as if they've actually done it? Normalizing it all through their perceived peers? They could almost convince these kids of anything or to do anything.
Parents need to keep a tighter rein on tech for their kids. Any child under 10 or 12 should not be allowed on a computer or cellphone by themselves. Older children need software supervision and strict rules.
It is difficult to remain patient when watching human traffickers and their enablers make jokes about human trafficking.
Even as it's not intentional, it will still help redpilling people. Like the South Park episode about Q and us. Awareness is spreading into mainstream.
not 'disguised as' humor
'normalized through' humor
A complete list of every guest star, music act, and member of the cast and crew of SNL who would rightly appear on a list of Adrenochrome consumers is likely to be depressingly long.
Did you know Robin Williams and Robert DeNiro were the last two people to see John Belushi alive?
I never thought SNL was funny. I liked Second City and In Living Color. Now I know why they had a show. They are part of the Cabal.
Yes I am......
I remember when I used to feed the stray dinosaurs outside my house.
I did like Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi and Chevy Chase. Otherwise SNL wasn't funny to me.
Soon no child will trust any adult. Tjey k ow what they arendoing. Imagine, the adult programmers posing as other kids talking about lewd shit as if they've actually done it? Normalizing it all through their perceived peers? They could almost convince these kids of anything or to do anything.
In no way am I taking away from how completely fucked this idea is, but:
what kind of parent would ever allow their kid to join something like this?
The parents wouldn't be involved in most cases.
Parents need to keep a tighter rein on tech for their kids. Any child under 10 or 12 should not be allowed on a computer or cellphone by themselves. Older children need software supervision and strict rules.