Fr Paul Kramer on the Freemasonic Infiltration of the Church (2013) -
In a TV interview that was recorded just after the resignation of Benedict XVI, Fr. Paul Kramer discusses the current crisis in the Church and the planning infiltration and subversion of the Catholic Church by the diabolical sect of Freemasonry.
Voltaire - Ch.3: War of Anti-Christ (Freemasonry Unmasked as Communism) -
Msgr. George F. Dillion, D.D. gave lectures on the subjects of Freemasonry, Communism, Atheism, Liberalism and Secret Societies. He explains the history and how these groups are united to destroy the Catholic Church and Christian Civilization to bring forth the Anti-Christ. This lecture was delivered in October 1884 in Edinburgh, Scotland. It is extremely eye opening and timely given the rise of Socialism and the current attempted Communist China take over of the US via election fraud and infiltration along with the subversion of the Catholic Church via these forces since Vatican II and the death of the last true Catholic Pope, Pius XII, in 1958.
The Freemasonic Plot to Control & Enslave the Pope - -
Pope Gregory XVI, Blessed Pope Pius IX and Leo XIII helped to expose the Freemasonic plot to control and enslave the papacy by infiltrating the Church and flooding it with the heretical and liberal principals of Freemasonry.
The Masonic Religion is Luciferian -
Be sure to read Pope Leo XIII encyclical letter on Freemasonry:
There is good news, though:
Our Lady of Guadalupe Conquers the Enlightenment
Wait what? I thought Enlightenment was a GOOD thing?!
The French Revolution: The Background -
Most of what you are taught by mainstream media, schools, libraries is filtered through the Freemasonic world-view.
Freemasonry and the spirit behind it has been at war with Jesus and his church for almost 2000 years.
Q pointed us to look at Freemasonry. I suggest understanding where they came from and who their ideological enemies are.
There is only 1 ideological enemy of Freemasonry...and that is Catholicism - Why Freemasons Hate the Catholic Church:
"The only way to salvation is through a man made institution that rapes little boys and traffics children."
Hard pass.
It is not man made. It's literally established directly by Jesus Christ.
It has been infiltrated by pedophiles and they have been at war with the church for 2000+ years. They put their agendas in writing. You can read the Alta Vendita for proof of my claim.
You are seeing evil use Catholic as a cloaking device.
You are swinging at a shadow.
Catholicism isn't the problem. Evil inside the church is the problem.
Judas, one of the 12 apostles, was evil. Look how close to Jesus he was able to get.
Jesus didn't create all the garbage that the Catholic church promotes. The entire structure of the institution has nothing to do with the Bible. You fools used to take money from people and claim it was going to send their souls to heaven. You've been responsible for so much misery on this planet.
I have faith in God. I pray and talk to God, and sometimes he talks to me. Any man made crap you try to put in between that interaction is a load of BS.
That whole Galileo incident wasn't very cash money of them either.
Good, high effort and informative post. TY!
Also of note for research -- Albert Pike pretty much came out and said they worship Satan in Morals and Dogma.
I wonder why The Freemasons want to take down The Catholic Church...
Thy dusted Kennedy...our first catholic president.
Masons are not a cult.
What then?... The G on that ring does NOT represent the God of the Bible.
My local lodge has been shut down since last March, in fact they all have and there are still no plans to open the lodge until at least September.
It's not just my local lodge either, this is all over the UK. Hardly surprising considering the average age of the members.
Freemasonry in the UK has been completely shut down. Not sure how that tallies in with global control of all things nefarious.
Now I'm not saying I don't have my doubts, but most of the Masons I know are pretty decent people (afaik). If there are infiltrators at the highest levels then that's beyond my knowledge, but the institution itself isn't what most people say it is.
If you were a mason you would know what it means. If you don’t know what you’re talking about you should stay silent. Did you get blackballed and not accepted into your local lodge?
I am a Freemason. I don't claim to know much of anything beyond my own lodge which I've been an involved participate of for almost 15 years now. I'm a Past Master ( past official leader of a blue lodge) as well as have served as the Secretary of the lodge ( Guy in the background that handles day to day operation and communications with the Grand Lodge of my state.)
That said I've seen or done nothing evil or even questionable. Part of our obligation is to be a peaceful citizen and the obey the laws of the country in which we live. We are advised to veiw all of humanity as one family. Nothing at all like I see people on always going on about. If you are curious about mason's send an email to your local lodge if you need help with contact info DM me.
My lodge does several chairty events each year, we do local scholarships and otherwise try to help support our local community.
OP: please stop saying Mason's are evil. I'm not trying to say there is no bad people in Masonry but that isn't what Masonry is about.
I was a Mason for 20 years. It is a good organization. I never once heard anything evil talked about in my lodge. Most of the people in my lodge are Christians. My lodge also donates to causes in the community l People that talk crap about the masons either don’t know about them or are just ignorant.