There was no sign requesting or requiring a mask and being Sunday the store was packed but yet I was the only person in the store without a mask!
"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." ---- Voltaire
There was no sign requesting or requiring a mask and being Sunday the store was packed but yet I was the only person in the store without a mask!
"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." ---- Voltaire
Same. I used to hold the American people in high regard and felt that we valued freedom.
I was wrong.
We are all the same. All around the world. We are all equally susceptible to manipulation. People are controlled by emotion, and we all have emotion.
We are not special, we were only born into a special country. We must preserve it or this nightmare will deepen and spread.
Being American was just a stroke of luck, not representative of anything. We need our country back! Because we were born into this world.
Freedom is our birthright! We are all the same in the beginning, but then so many give their freedom away. Maybe just being born is special. But so many forfeit their birthright. The truly special ones are those who fight to preserve their birthright of freedom. As we are born, so too shall we die!