I said that 80% of the attacks on Asians in the US are black. Citing FBI stats.
Like 'most' husband wife fights, she tried to get personal in the attacks with obscure reasons like I have weird thinking because I think outside the norm.
She keep pushing it was whites that were the violent ones and get this, most of her arguments are just talking points from lame news. She thought the guy who shot up the massage parler was a racist because of his skin color AND she thought the Colorado shooter was white.
I cited bIacks were only 13% of total population in the US and still committed most of the violence in the US.
Then she used Obama as a source and said he was a decent person because.... he was "educated. " I didn't even say that blacks were all bad, I just said they have a lot of issues.
I really wanted to bring up that's it's class warfare, and nothing to do with race or color but that would have been a struggle to get across to her.
So the point here is not just to rant about a petty squabble to you guys and yep, obviously she isn't redpilled enough (it's a tough road indeed), but 1. MSM really has done a number on much of the population and more needs to get done to these propaganda machines for her to spurt useless trash like that like it's fact and (2) I hate, really hate, that most people think that being educated makes you a decent person.
Q, can you please out Obama as a very very evil person to wake up the zombies. I don't care if Obama is black, I care solely on truth and truth alone.
Unfortunately, most are too ignorant, busy, apathetic or too stupid to pay attention, think critically, care or research.