Trump is not on Telegram, according to George News. GN have also not posted this particular statement of endorsement on their own Telegram account; GN have access to media email comms such as statements from both Trump and Biden, and are very much among the first to post statements from the Office of POTUS and Save America (that does not mean that the source of all these statements is from GN).
There are other indications that this endorsement is fake. The language is a lot more "proper", "erudite" and "waffly" than the usual POTUS statements. There is also the sources of this statement: the GOP in SC and this unverified Telegram Account. Just because Fox News says that Trump said it, doesn't mean that Trump actually said it; for one thing, they don't even give a precise source for those claims. You must also consider how powerful Trump's verified endorsements actually are. If they can successfully falsify this endorsement, then they're golden, or so they'd like to think.
There is also my knowledge that Lin Wood maintains good relationships with Trump and those who are considered close to Trump. It is hard to imagine that Trump who throw a good ally under the bus.
But why has none of this been confirmed? Well, perhaps if Trump accuses the GOP in SC of falsehoods, it could then lead to internal civil strife within the Republican party especially in the SC, and Trump has already said that he's sticking with the Republicans. Internal party politics are a lot more delicate than we'd like to think. Perhaps a better way to deal with this situation is for Lin Wood to win in spite of this weird endorsement, and to demonstrate to the SC GOP that their underhanded tactics won't win them as much as they think.
Ok. What the heck? Is Trump endorsing Wood’s opponent for this position (Chairman for GOP in SC), Drew McKissick?!!
To my knowledge, this account is unverified.
It’s a release from his office, with his letterhead elsewhere...
It’s a real thing. So confusing.
You sure it's not photoshop? That shit would have been on every right wing media outlet.
Trump released the endorsement in February. I don’t know what’s going on.
Well, well, well. Drew's got some 'splainin to do!
Confirmed by the SC Republican Party. Still doesn’t make any sense.
Trump is not on Telegram, according to George News. GN have also not posted this particular statement of endorsement on their own Telegram account; GN have access to media email comms such as statements from both Trump and Biden, and are very much among the first to post statements from the Office of POTUS and Save America (that does not mean that the source of all these statements is from GN).
There are other indications that this endorsement is fake. The language is a lot more "proper", "erudite" and "waffly" than the usual POTUS statements. There is also the sources of this statement: the GOP in SC and this unverified Telegram Account. Just because Fox News says that Trump said it, doesn't mean that Trump actually said it; for one thing, they don't even give a precise source for those claims. You must also consider how powerful Trump's verified endorsements actually are. If they can successfully falsify this endorsement, then they're golden, or so they'd like to think.
There is also my knowledge that Lin Wood maintains good relationships with Trump and those who are considered close to Trump. It is hard to imagine that Trump who throw a good ally under the bus.
But why has none of this been confirmed? Well, perhaps if Trump accuses the GOP in SC of falsehoods, it could then lead to internal civil strife within the Republican party especially in the SC, and Trump has already said that he's sticking with the Republicans. Internal party politics are a lot more delicate than we'd like to think. Perhaps a better way to deal with this situation is for Lin Wood to win in spite of this weird endorsement, and to demonstrate to the SC GOP that their underhanded tactics won't win them as much as they think.
It's fake. Trump never released an official statement endorsing Drew Mckissick:
That don't look real
I’m confused. Why would Trump endorse Linn Woods opponent?
This makes zero sense. Why is Trump endorsing a RINO over confirmed patriot Lin Wood?