I've only been following this stuff for about 18mos but I don't get all the lists of arrests and executions. And Posters making reference to someone having been secretly dead for years or being held in Gitmo.....?? I've never seen anything to suggest they're true. Don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE for them to be true but.... where's definitive evidence?
Are these examples of the LARPing I also hear about?
Well, in this case it would be DIARPing. (Dead Inaction Role Playing.) There's never been any definitive sauce that I'm aware of. However, there is plenty of compelling evidence, like photographs of ill-fitting masks, facial contours, etc. that some people hang on as evidence and others poo-pooh.
About the only independent verification that I've seen is the John Kasich interview on the mainstream media where he was talking with the host about it being "only about 24 hours since John McCain was put to death." Which is probably as close as anyone has come to saying what many of us believe.
Meghan also mentioned her father being executed on the view. At this point fren. Its about faith. You either believe or you don't. With the Biden comedy hour continuing ? im of the belief that we are watching a white hate triple feature. Have faith. It will be over soon.
I always dismissed the data but then I saw that one too. THAT'S the one that made me wonder if there was some truth to some of the claims.
Internet 101: It's on the internet. If there isn't proof of something, it's just some random stranger on the net talking shit until proven otherwise. Take it as you wish.
I haven't seen any concrete evidence of arrests or executions but the actions and SM postings of multiple celebrities leads me to believe that things have been happening in hollyweird for quite some time now... also, IIRC the Gov of Ohio actually said John McCain was "put to death" but not sure if he misspoke or had a Freudian slip
It did happen. It didn't happen. Who cares!
We know who the players are. Their time is ending. But ask yourself this question:
Who controls them? Who occupies the levels above them? If you don't really know the answers, and we fully don't, the exposure op isn't done yet.
Why dont you ask the people who say those things? Why come here and ask us!
Plus Gitmo has quadrupled in size.
But so have the facilities on Epstein Island
Do you ever wonder why those who were so vocal are now silent? People like DeNiro?
Deaths... start with McCain and George h w bush... traitors put to death to get the party started and let the rinos know they are no more safe than the demonrats
This is ridiculous, Dont believe people are in Gitmo, dont believe people have been executed, That shit is ridiculous.
Where have you seen these lists? Lists of Executions?? Detainments? I've been on QResearch for years and never heard of such 'lists'? Suggest you check your information sources.
I get sent them from others, have never posted them because I didn't believe them, and like you said, try to consider the sources. But I scan over them and they seem rather consistent. Was just wondering if anyone knew why they circulate and if it was part of some game. However, I do see references in here frequently of someone having been executed or being secretly held in Gitmo.
We have nothing for ya. Each independently researches, lots of theories and suspicions. Use the search feature and see what you can figure out.
I recall seeing an image of a list, this person executed, that person life in prison, etc. Looked more like a wish list than an actual list to me.
IMO even though there are some huge red pills coming, a lot things do get exaggerated.
If you're looking for a list, here's one:
https://amg-news.com/archives/10052 https://amg-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/5.png
I'm not saying there's any truth to this, but it is a list.
I've been wondering the same thing. If a couple hundred celebrities were guilty of crimes against children deserving the death penalty how would you execute them without creating a national security issue?