I live in a dictator state and I’ve found a few stores that I can comfortably go into without a mask. Please add the businesses you know of too!
- Homegoods/TJ maxx/Marshall’s - simply say you have a medical condition
- Home Depot - safe, employees don’t say anything
- Target - safe, employees don’t say anything
Yikes, I didn't know that. I'm not black, so I don't know how the black community treats each other, but you did remind me of an incident that happened at work once.
I was walking with a black co-worker when she spotted a black woman across the way that had just started working there. My co-worker turned to me and said, "at least I ain't that dark". I was kind of surprised, because I didn't see how that mattered how dark she was.
Yup, most of the rot in our community is because of the attitude problems within it.