570 Any Maricopa residents here? Emergency meeting 10am MST! They are scared! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by GODisinc0ntr0l (context) 3 years ago by GODisinc0ntr0l +570 / -0 111 comments download share 111 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
The country/world has been watching them squirm in their corruption like bacteria in a petri dish since November 4.
Exposure (and, HOPEFULLY, justice) for these treasonous, egotistical b-stards is long (years, even decades) past due.
They just assumed we would be like, "darn! Maybe next time. Trump 2024!" But no, the obvious, widespread election fraud is unable to be ignored.
you can say it, "bastards." They deserve every name in the book.
Spirochetes = Demochetes
No wonder they heavily built up Gitmo under the Trump (still President) administration. Gonna be a few more inmates coming soon ?