Interesting that this is happening
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WTC7 is the key that opens the door to the deceit of 9-11. The building was demolished in plain sight. There is audio of police/firefighters discussing that they were dropping the building. There is also another building (its name escapes me right now) that literally blew up from the bottom.
Don’t forget the bbc reported WTC7 had fallen 20 minutes before it did, with WTC7 still standing in the background behind the reporter. Fail!
I remember watching as the BBC was reporting live that building 7 had collapsed when it was clearly still standing in the background of the shot...
She was get'n her info from's earlier there...
No it was supposed to be a live feed at the time
Yep, people can argue the melting point of steel and whatever other circular arguments they can come up with, but building 7 is indefensible.
And the fact that these are the only steel structures in human history to fall.
Yup, you can put all other theories aside. Building 7 is the key to the whole thing. It didn't "collapse" when it was supposed to so they had to re rig the demo charges and then over fire radio "they're going to pull it get everyone back". boom,boom,boom,boom, down went 7.
The Bush family are Jews named Scherff.
The House of Saud are Jews pretending to be Arab Muslims.
The "Dancing Israelis" who had foreknowledge of the attack are MOSSAD agents.
Note that Bitchute recently purged every "Dancing Israeli" video, so if you have them, back them up!
Here's a backup you can right-click and save locally:
Conspiracy at the highest level. For another view on what happened on 9/11 read Philip Marshall's books, "False Flag 911" and " The Big Bamboozle". Of course he was "suicided" along with his dog and two children before he could publish his next book.
The "theory" lives on because it's FACT.
Indeed and the other interesting article was about the City of London Corporation banning people from foraging for Mushrooms in Epping Forest. That’s not that interesting tbh but the fact the CoL Corp was clearly named in the title is as I’ve not really noticed much in the way of clear coverage of the CoL Corp as a body of ownership for land etc in the press before...
I can't help but be often reminded these days of the Matrix quote, "Some people are so dependant on the system, they will fight to protect it."
Exactly, when corrupt government educates the masses its only certain outcome is the creation of sheep. A relic critical thinking now becomes.
Hollow towers and vicsims galore.