(Full disclosure: I’ve watched a little over half of it, so I’ll feel dumb if this is addressed later in the film) His guest talks a lot about 2010 census data being used to create the algorithms that gave Biden the win, and how in Colorado there were more votes than population in several counties because of people moving away, dying, etc.
Where is the 2020 census and why hasn’t the data been released, in whole or in part? I realize 2020 was a whole new animal for census takers, etc because of COVID, but shouldn’t we have something by now? For comparison, 2010 census numbers were finalized and released to the president in December of the same year.
We know certain states have experienced HUGE numbers of people moving to other states; could this explain in part why New York took over a month to release their final vote counts for 2020, that their vote totals were so much more than their actual population that they had to figure out how to explain it?
I think it would very telling to overlay the 2020 votes with the 2020 census data.
What I'm hearing from your comments is that if there is a significant correlation between the 2010 census numbers and the vote totals in areas where the 2020 census shows a large decrease in population, then you could reasonably theorize that the DS used that 2010 data for their vote fraud calculations. I think this could also be used in areas where the 2020 census showed large population increases. Obviously that would allow room for excess votes but what if the votes roughly fit with the 2010 census numbers? You may need to get an actual hat rack.