As a Christian, I was troubled by the method used by this guy. Too much emotion/anger--too little peace. When I watched this, the first thought I had was that it was a tool to make Christians look bad and was not a 'victory' at all. Wouldn't be surprised if it was a controlled op.
It's not something I would be proud of coming from my church even if it did get the law enforcers out of the building. Church goers would be so rattled after such a confrontation that there would be no focus on worship, prayer, remembrance etc. that happens when we gather.
A 'Christian' style of fighting, imo, would be with TRUTH and PRAYER in a gentle and meek demeanor. Something like providing each officer with a stack of scientific journal articles and gov't statistics and having them personally acknowledge that justification of such orders is based on a false premise while the rest of the congregation prayers that they go away.
This style in the video is not representative of Christian methods or behaviors IMO.
P.S. I'm in Canada, but not from the same province as where this occurred.
Jesus wasn't afraid to whip merchants when they where in the temple. Your hippie lets all sing kumbaya is what is killing Christianity. You wouldn't have gotten the police out, you probably would have just ended up complying.
The meek shall inherit the earth is not correct. The original translated word was something like "people that can fight but don't". Not meek. Someone who is unable to fight and doesn't is a coward as there never was another option. If you are able but choose not to, that's actual choice.
The good guys are the Christians standing up for their rights.
The positive results are Christian role models and their right to peacefully worship.
There are no negative results. The POSITIVE result is people can resist tyranny.
Who benefits? Christians and free people benefit from the message that you can stand up to tyranny. That you aren't alone.
That IS thinking logically.
Consider the actions both strategically and logically. Who benefits from such an action? How?
It doesn't matter how or why it happened. You must be able to Discern and Turn people away from controlled opposition. That will require exercising authority in yourself.
strategically and logically
Are terms without meaning when the Rule of Law & Order is dead. You are left with only one course of action. Stand your Ground and defend your beliefs.
The purpose of meeting in a church is to solidify unity. You can not do that locked away in your home while under assault.
I am not jumping on the bandwagon or celebrating. There will be confusion and rage all over and you will require authority and true faith to overcome it.
Think of the logical conclusions of such actions and how it portrays Christians. If a non-Q person watched this, who would that person say are the good guys vs bad guys?
If a non-Q Christian watched this and associated it to Q followers, what would he think of us?
Video seems more like the work of a devil rather than the work of the Spirit of God in action.
I understand what you're saying. But say someone was to do you physical harm? Would you just let that person hurt you? Or would you use the minimum amount of force necessary to preserve your life?
This man used his voice to send a bunch of thugs packing. Words are not violence. Calling words violence is the reasoning liberals use to justify censoring.
This man used the minimum amount of force to preserve his rights and those of his congregation. That's why I applaud him.
As a Christian, I was troubled by the method used by this guy. Too much emotion/anger--too little peace. When I watched this, the first thought I had was that it was a tool to make Christians look bad and was not a 'victory' at all. Wouldn't be surprised if it was a controlled op.
It's not something I would be proud of coming from my church even if it did get the law enforcers out of the building. Church goers would be so rattled after such a confrontation that there would be no focus on worship, prayer, remembrance etc. that happens when we gather.
A 'Christian' style of fighting, imo, would be with TRUTH and PRAYER in a gentle and meek demeanor. Something like providing each officer with a stack of scientific journal articles and gov't statistics and having them personally acknowledge that justification of such orders is based on a false premise while the rest of the congregation prayers that they go away.
This style in the video is not representative of Christian methods or behaviors IMO.
P.S. I'm in Canada, but not from the same province as where this occurred.
Jesus wasn't afraid to whip merchants when they where in the temple. Your hippie lets all sing kumbaya is what is killing Christianity. You wouldn't have gotten the police out, you probably would have just ended up complying.
"Oh please don't oppress us, here is our reasoning which you will ignore."
The meek shall inherit the earth is not correct. The original translated word was something like "people that can fight but don't". Not meek. Someone who is unable to fight and doesn't is a coward as there never was another option. If you are able but choose not to, that's actual choice.
Who are the good guys in the video?
What are the positive results gained from such action (including posting on YouTube)?
What are the negative results?
Who benefits?
Think logically.
The good guys are the Christians standing up for their rights. The positive results are Christian role models and their right to peacefully worship. There are no negative results. The POSITIVE result is people can resist tyranny. Who benefits? Christians and free people benefit from the message that you can stand up to tyranny. That you aren't alone. That IS thinking logically.
Your definition of meek is in error.
Meek was defined as disciplined “strength under control.”
Under the Control of God, not Man.
Modern Christians have adopted the meaning as gentle and submissive.
Consider the actions both strategically and logically. Who benefits from such an action? How?
What is the purpose of Christians meeting together in a church building?
Think about logical conclusions of actions before jumping on the celebration band wagon.
It doesn't matter how or why it happened. You must be able to Discern and Turn people away from controlled opposition. That will require exercising authority in yourself.
Are terms without meaning when the Rule of Law & Order is dead. You are left with only one course of action. Stand your Ground and defend your beliefs.
The purpose of meeting in a church is to solidify unity. You can not do that locked away in your home while under assault.
I am not jumping on the bandwagon or celebrating. There will be confusion and rage all over and you will require authority and true faith to overcome it.
I am not the one DV you btw.
Perhaps we agree in the principles of winning people over, discernment, truth, standing ground, law & order and Christian unity.
We are in disagreement as to prudent method of the appropriate response to the lockdown orders.
Many seem to think that Churches are down to their last straw and there is no hope other than to fight with anger and actions (like this).
My perspective, here in Canada, is that churches generally haven't attempted to gather and worship and form a 'battle plan'.
Generally, churches here haven't shown up to the fight and videos with actions like this will further add to the discouragement to fight.
Seems more like the battle plan of the enemy.
Weak. Jesus flipped tables and whipped abusers. You can't ALWAYS turn the other cheek. Sometimes you have to make a powerful statement.
they probably tried the pussy way long ago , but at this point he did the right thing.
Submitting to evil is pussying.
Fighting with TRUTH and meekness is brave.
Fighting like this is dumb.
Think of the logical conclusions of such actions and how it portrays Christians. If a non-Q person watched this, who would that person say are the good guys vs bad guys?
If a non-Q Christian watched this and associated it to Q followers, what would he think of us?
Video seems more like the work of a devil rather than the work of the Spirit of God in action.
I understand what you're saying. But say someone was to do you physical harm? Would you just let that person hurt you? Or would you use the minimum amount of force necessary to preserve your life?
This man used his voice to send a bunch of thugs packing. Words are not violence. Calling words violence is the reasoning liberals use to justify censoring.
This man used the minimum amount of force to preserve his rights and those of his congregation. That's why I applaud him.
Nobody respects pushovers. You want the guy to submit? Do you wear your mask?
No fruit of the Spirit demonstrated here. More like wolf-like anger.
Think about the actions from a logical and strategic point of view.
If someone outside of the Q community sees this, who would be the good guys? Who would be the bad guys?
Part of Q is the battle for the mind. These kind of actions ain't helping that battle.