We had a stolen election and almost a hundred million voters disenfranchised -- with zero protections, zero consequences and zero real and acceptable investigations.
We are constantly pitted against each other.
Those who we spent the last decade defending, as they were assassinated in the streets, blinded by lasers and had explosives tossed at them, stand by those that attack them and against those who defend them.
The highest courts rule that the entire country suing each other has no standing. They rule that damages don't matter, the fraud doesn't matter, because it's "too late".
Our rights are trampled upon. Our voices are subverted and suppressed. If we do not align with the narrative, we are shamed and silenced. The weak-minded among us are brainwashed into being the useful idiots of the deep state uniparty.
We are lied to by "entertainment" media. We have our minds and souls rotted by the onslaught of social justice agenda, for crimes committed centuries ago.
We are told we cannot gather. We cannot support our country. We cannot think for ourselves. We cannot listen to science but that which is prescribed to us via the moving agenda.
We are muddled with distractions. We fight amongst ourselves, a populace torn asunder by trivial garbage like racial division worsened under the first black President to the likes not seen for 40-60 years prior to his oath of office.
We are told that whites are racist. We are told that whites deserve nothing good, and all of the bad. Agendas negative towards whites are plastered all over television, in our entertainment, in our media, and our sports, and all the products we consume.
We are told not to believe our eyes and ears, only what we are instructed to.
History is revised, the English language and medical definitions are quietly changed and tainted. Physical hard copies are being phased out, so that actual history is lost to time.
Transgenderism is considered not only normal, but encouraged -- not just in an unhealthy manner for adults, but in the involvement of children. Born to a family as a boy, but raised as a girl. Hormones injected, surgical operations undertaken, identity permanently destroyed.
A pandemic that has rumblings back nearly a decade, truly a biological attack. Cheap medicine proven to work, politicized and suppressed by the very man who showed that they worked in 2005.
Gather. Don't gather. Don't wear a mask. Wear a mask. Now wear three. Don't go near each other. Don't even walk outside without a mask. Don't stand within 60 feet of people on the sidewalk. Cross the street.
Kids spread it. But now kids don't spread it. But maybe they spread it a little bit. But schools shouldn't open. But they should. But kids shouldn't be allowed to see their friends. Teachers should be paid more without teaching. Don't let parents see what they're teaching.
This is 1984. We truly have entered the real life version of 1984. It has come, and we are placated by a plan that has yet to blow up and show that we will win. When people are ready to fight, they're told not to.
Sit back, stand by. Do nothing. Stay home. Lose your jobs, your livelihoods, your home. Lose your hope. Happiness. Your family's mental health. Do nothing but accept. Allow yourselves to be vilified and silenced. Allow them to take your only defense against tyranny, like good little ants.
placated by a plan that has yet to blow up and show that we will win. When people are ready to fight, they're told not to. Sit back, stand by. Do nothing. Stay home. Lose your jobs, your livelihoods, your home. Lose your hope. Happiness. Your family's mental health. Do nothing but accept. Allow yourselves to be vilified and silenced. Allow them to take your only defense against tyranny, like good little ants.
Sorry but no matter how much blind faith you have in someone unidentified that made posts on the internet, it's literally a fact. People were told to stay home instead of fight back against the deep state machine, in a time where we are decisively being destroyed as the country we used to be.
I have tired of certain Nostradamus-style hopium hits, especially when this community turns around and shits on the ones who bought into said hits -- as if they themselves weren't also.
Ha ha yes. You don't know who posted anything, and some of the lengths we stretch to reach conclusions that we want is more demoralizing than nothing (visible) happening
We had a stolen election and almost a hundred million voters disenfranchised -- with zero protections, zero consequences and zero real and acceptable investigations.
We are constantly pitted against each other.
Those who we spent the last decade defending, as they were assassinated in the streets, blinded by lasers and had explosives tossed at them, stand by those that attack them and against those who defend them.
The highest courts rule that the entire country suing each other has no standing. They rule that damages don't matter, the fraud doesn't matter, because it's "too late".
Our rights are trampled upon. Our voices are subverted and suppressed. If we do not align with the narrative, we are shamed and silenced. The weak-minded among us are brainwashed into being the useful idiots of the deep state uniparty.
We are lied to by "entertainment" media. We have our minds and souls rotted by the onslaught of social justice agenda, for crimes committed centuries ago.
We are told we cannot gather. We cannot support our country. We cannot think for ourselves. We cannot listen to science but that which is prescribed to us via the moving agenda.
We are muddled with distractions. We fight amongst ourselves, a populace torn asunder by trivial garbage like racial division worsened under the first black President to the likes not seen for 40-60 years prior to his oath of office.
We are told that whites are racist. We are told that whites deserve nothing good, and all of the bad. Agendas negative towards whites are plastered all over television, in our entertainment, in our media, and our sports, and all the products we consume.
We are told not to believe our eyes and ears, only what we are instructed to.
History is revised, the English language and medical definitions are quietly changed and tainted. Physical hard copies are being phased out, so that actual history is lost to time.
Transgenderism is considered not only normal, but encouraged -- not just in an unhealthy manner for adults, but in the involvement of children. Born to a family as a boy, but raised as a girl. Hormones injected, surgical operations undertaken, identity permanently destroyed.
A pandemic that has rumblings back nearly a decade, truly a biological attack. Cheap medicine proven to work, politicized and suppressed by the very man who showed that they worked in 2005.
Gather. Don't gather. Don't wear a mask. Wear a mask. Now wear three. Don't go near each other. Don't even walk outside without a mask. Don't stand within 60 feet of people on the sidewalk. Cross the street.
Kids spread it. But now kids don't spread it. But maybe they spread it a little bit. But schools shouldn't open. But they should. But kids shouldn't be allowed to see their friends. Teachers should be paid more without teaching. Don't let parents see what they're teaching.
This is 1984. We truly have entered the real life version of 1984. It has come, and we are placated by a plan that has yet to blow up and show that we will win. When people are ready to fight, they're told not to.
Sit back, stand by. Do nothing. Stay home. Lose your jobs, your livelihoods, your home. Lose your hope. Happiness. Your family's mental health. Do nothing but accept. Allow yourselves to be vilified and silenced. Allow them to take your only defense against tyranny, like good little ants.
It's true. There is no going back from this.
I'm feeling a little of the same but I refuse to believe we're losing.
Maybe Q or Trump could give us some reassurance in these trying times that we're winning and the plan is being enacted.
I have to admit hope is dwindling.
The deep state probably assumes if they ignore us we'll just go away, too.
We can't let them get us down, but we do need a big win or sign soon.
My fear.... We waited... Now what?
Sewage spewage
Sorry but no matter how much blind faith you have in someone unidentified that made posts on the internet, it's literally a fact. People were told to stay home instead of fight back against the deep state machine, in a time where we are decisively being destroyed as the country we used to be.
I have tired of certain Nostradamus-style hopium hits, especially when this community turns around and shits on the ones who bought into said hits -- as if they themselves weren't also.
Ha ha no.
Ha ha yes. You don't know who posted anything, and some of the lengths we stretch to reach conclusions that we want is more demoralizing than nothing (visible) happening