I know it looks bad, but looks can be deceiving.
You all need to stop looking at the federal government / what it is doing, and remember how the constitution in the usa actually works. States reserve their rights and citizens rights cannot be infringed by the federal or state governments.
Lets take a moment and look at what is going on in America, just some highlights:
- States across the nation are openly blocking in state law federal actions to take away citizen rights with open & concealed carry being enshrined all over the map.
- States across the nation are blocking trans participating in womens sports, and trans procedures for kids.
- States across the nation are outlawing abortion procedures in most circumstances.
- Odd silence over newsom recall. Almost as if people dont talk about it, it isnt there.
- The data on the steal is so iron clad now, its bled well outside the swing states (see scientific proof from mike lindell)
- Maricopa, AZ is panicing, and GA's Raffesperger seems to be practising the same tactics Maricopa tried, hoping for different results.
- Wisconsin and Michigan are both now going through similar processes.
- States are starting to go full open, following TX and FL examples, and are rapidly blocking the vaccine passport mandates.
- Bezos resigning as ceo.
- Biden has done more damage to the DNC's reputation than they will be able to recover from in 2 and a bit months than has been done in the past two decades.
- Gaetz breaking silence and openly accusing the state deptartment of trafficking and blackmail (with a counterclaim being made he's a pedo, so whomever loses we would win in the end).
Now lets look at the globe:
- Merkel is leaving this year.
- The italian parliament is in chaos, mass resignations
- Vatican is (almost) bankrupt.
- Protests globally against lockdowns.
- Israel being accused in the hague of nuremberg code violations.
- German lawyers accusing practically all national governments of crimes against humanity over covid-19 responses.
- France has gone rather based over islam all of a sudden.
- Myanmar is getting rid of thwir chief human trafficker and demoing what would happen here without a plan to mitigate the damages. This might still happen.
- Russia is standing off against Ukrainian aggression, and making sure the eu is staying put.
- Aussie mainstream news is openly challenging the viability of biden.
- The whole suez evergiven thing, which is a gift that keeps on giving i swear. Cant wait to see what comes out from that long term.
- Odd earthquakes across the globe that are unusually shallow depth events, almost like explosions underground.
- The Pacific fleet, the UK's latest aircraft carrier, frances latest amphibious crafts, and the latest warships from germany too are all converging on the south china sea. Fyi - china has 2 aircraft carriers they bought from russian surplus. One caught fire last year if memory serves.
why am i bringing this up?
Everyone lately is focusing on the scares going on. The fear play is old hat for me (listen to fear innoculum by tool, you'll see how i treat fear of the state and of the media). Too much wolf crying all around for my liking, so i intend to become an antidote to this. Very little apart from winanon gets mentioned, and only new news, which is great, but its important to remember we are pushing the front now across multiple lines of the culture war.
It is important to take time in the lulls of the battle (Sundays seem to be when everyone both here and in the media takes a break) and assess successes and failures. You can learn different things from both. For now, we can see a lot of successful results from the plan when we look for it.
Ill do what i can from now on to remind people the gains of ground we have made, if for no other reason than to make sure we dont lose the hills we have fought so hard to gain, so we can shoot from an elevated position at the open field of online targets being laid before us.
Push all the positions we have, not just the one or two that are dangled before you each day. Never give up, never surrender. NCSWIC is not just a catchphrase.
Great post, fren. We all needed a dose of untainted hopium. Too many patriots are huffing the fantasy.
Mods must have had too much coffee this morning.
Why this is not stickied, when dubious Scavino 'comms' go to the top??