More GME Divide and Conquer
ℹ️ ⚔️ Information Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️
Just like what happened to r/WallStreetBets at the end of January over the weekend in r/GME suddenly the main mods got booted by new mods with a suspicious statement that they voluntarily stepped down and dissenters are getting banned. They're already reforming at r/SuperStonk and confirming that they were forced out, even the daily due diligence thread at r/GME got deleted this morning. Looks like another wake up call for those redditors.
Covert moves over the weekend, ready for a sale of newly issued stocks.
GME Shares Plunge As Company Moves To Sell 3.5M New Shares
They filed to be able to but didn't actually do so yet. Also this is a small blip in the 200 million already out there and the new 1 billion dollar valuation that'd be around $285/share.
No they updated it. GME is getting ready for the short squeeze also
Interesting comment.
When I looked at the graph this morning, my question is whether is will break the downtrend from march 21 / 30 as at 15:44 UTC, this downtrend acts as resistance (touch), receding back hopefully finding firm footing on 188,05.
I guess some people made a nice 10% margin today.
I still have a lot of green in my portfolios for such a "plunge". Reminds me if previous times the news reported a plunge minutes before a big short ladder attack commenced.