The premise at the start of the video is a good one - there are probably far more isis training 'camps' in the west now than at any time in the past. Rather than a camp out in the desert though, Its prison where all this training and further radicalization is happening, all taxpayer funded. UK prisons come to mind - a massive support and training base for terrorists and there doesn't seem to be any political will to do anything to halt it.
When does a bird sing? ?
"Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?"
-Rose Kennedy
Might have something to do with cage.
The premise at the start of the video is a good one - there are probably far more isis training 'camps' in the west now than at any time in the past. Rather than a camp out in the desert though, Its prison where all this training and further radicalization is happening, all taxpayer funded. UK prisons come to mind - a massive support and training base for terrorists and there doesn't seem to be any political will to do anything to halt it.
You go to prison you ether come out converted to Islam or feet first
ilhan omar - where the fuck are you?
ISIS trainers = democrat operators
The DS exists on both sides of the aisle. Don’t forget about McCain.
I'm just gonna say it..
I trust RT over CNN. Anyday. Does it mean RT is never biased? Nah..its state sponsored, but some people's states seem to be more honest then others. ?
Follow the $$$.