Right. They're at a stage where they are really dug in and don't want to hear it.
In that case, you probably should start small, be concise, and just plant the seeds of doubt in their minds. Let it fester.
I wouldn't start with the vaccines, people have been drinking the "anti-vaxx people are hurting us all" kool-aid for a few years now (prior to COVID). I'm personally not anti-vaxx on all vaccines, just this experimental "vaccine" in particular, BUT, many people you try to convince likely won't make that distinction (at least if they're caught up in the propaganda/narratives).
On the mask front, you could go into the papers/science which shows their ineffectiveness, that might be too in the weeds for this person.
You might want a simpler, Tom Woods-like approach, of showing people COVID case/death plots, for different cities/states/countries, and ask, when did they implement their mask mandates? Don't give the name of the city for them to look it up right away. They'll most likely predict early on in the rise of the cases, and, their predictions will almost all be wrong. Thus showing, with empirical science, that the mask mandates have no effect on the rise/fall of cases. This doesn't explain why masks don't work, it just shows that the mandates don't have the "intended" effect of slowing the spread.
I put quotes around "intended" because I don't believe that is their true intention, much more cynical about their motivations (i.e., manipulation, division). That's probably too big of pill to swallow initially for them, though.
See here for a sample of Tom Woods' charts/graphs:
Right. They're at a stage where they are really dug in and don't want to hear it.
In that case, you probably should start small, be concise, and just plant the seeds of doubt in their minds. Let it fester.
I wouldn't start with the vaccines, people have been drinking the "anti-vaxx people are hurting us all" kool-aid for a few years now (prior to COVID). I'm personally not anti-vaxx on all vaccines, just this experimental "vaccine" in particular, BUT, many people you try to convince likely won't make that distinction (at least if they're caught up in the propaganda/narratives).
On the mask front, you could go into the papers/science which shows their ineffectiveness, that might be too in the weeds for this person.
You might want a simpler, Tom Woods-like approach, of showing people COVID case/death plots, for different cities/states/countries, and ask, when did they implement their mask mandates? Don't give the name of the city for them to look it up right away. They'll most likely predict early on in the rise of the cases, and, their predictions will almost all be wrong. Thus showing, with empirical science, that the mask mandates have no effect on the rise/fall of cases. This doesn't explain why masks don't work, it just shows that the mandates don't have the "intended" effect of slowing the spread.
I put quotes around "intended" because I don't believe that is their true intention, much more cynical about their motivations (i.e., manipulation, division). That's probably too big of pill to swallow initially for them, though.
See here for a sample of Tom Woods' charts/graphs: