Stephen Miller tweet with Trump
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My opinion is that the time of morning, time of the tweet, and "Personal Journal" are all meant to tell us that this photo is NOT from when Stephen Miller met Trump. The photo is to trick the enemy into thinking Trump and Miller met at Mar-A-Lago when the photo could NOT have been taken there on April 6th.
It's designed to fool us into thinking he met Trump at Mar-a-Lago, but gives away the truth if you read between the lines.
Anything we’re intended to find out, it’s presumed the enemy will find out too.
It may be a communication, but it’s not a trick... unless, of course, it was meant to trick us as well.
No, it seems to have fooled the low level ones pretty well. Maybe the higher ups won't be fooled, but the minions are 100% fooled. They're all focused on Trump's coke bottle and that Stephen Miller said "President Trump" and not "Former President Trump" (that one's really got them upset.
I'd say it tricked the NPCs pretty good.
Miller's tweet said this morning and the photo shows the wrong time of day for 5:34 am. So does that mean they actually met on April 5th when the article was published? Why is the headline photoshopped (you can see it overlays text). Is that to make the headline readable so it can be dated?
If you read further in the article you posted it says:
"In print, the coverage will be organized around four subject areas inside the A section Monday through Thursday: Mondays will focus on Careers & Leadership, incorporating regular contributions from Lynn Cook’s management team."
Career and Leadership topics are only published on Mondays.
On Tuesdays they publish:
"On Tuesdays, we’ll turn to Health & Wellness,"
The article is dated to April 4th. It could be an old paper, but the newspaper has some photoshopping on the article title and it's late morning (not 5:34 am). This can't be a photo of when Stephen Miller and Trump met. The newspaper, time of day and time of tweet tell us that.