posted ago by djmarcone ago by djmarcone +396 / -0

So my state recently lifted the face diaper mandate (not that I complied) but my company was going along with it and was requiring masks.

They were nagging about masks if anyone was working close to someone else or talking close, otherwise if you were at your desk or assembly station you didn't have to.

The majority of the blue collar folks were ignoring it unless yelled at, the white collar people generally played along.

With the state's change the company did the same, and had a disclaimer that if you were close to someone who was continuing to wear a mask you should "social distance" or wear a mask and "respect" their choice.

Because there were some people who wore the mask like all the time. It was assumed these were the true believers who were going to keep doing it.

Today? I haven't seen anyone wearing the face diaper. Even the guy who was wearing it literally all day long. I have no idea how that guy didn't get lung rot.

Feels good man.