Ok, well, this was unexpected. A friend of mine (based, also questions everything re: CV19) just told me that their brother and a very good friend - both about 30 years old, both in tip top shape, plenty of sun/good eating/limited mask wearing... just got ROCKED by CV19.
One was barely able to breathe and had to be put on extensive steroid treatments + an IV at home.
The other developed respiratory clotting and had a heart attack... (dude was a triathlete).
I'm the first person to say "Probably just the flu" or "They probably had a totally compromised immune system + too much mask wearing"... but I trust all 3 people involved.
Now, here's the interesting hypothesis/logic paths I'm trying to work through:
Either these two healthy/young people got hit hard with a CV19 variant and it's legit... or....
The tests they received actually somehow caused the escalations/hospitalizations and severe (almost life threatening) symptoms.
The reason I am thinking about scenario #2 is that BOTH of them were experiencing very* mild symptoms. And within 48 hours from getting swabbed for the BS PCR test, they almost died from the symptoms that developed.
So, thoughts on a powerful strain hitting our area vs. the possibility of the PCR swab tests being tainted and potentially causing the nearly 2x body count?
How would you explain the mild symptoms lasting for so long (1 week for one case and about 10 days for the other case)... and then escalating so rapidly shortly after testing?
Coincidence? Just a variation of time on the cytokine storm that happened to coincide w/ the post-test time?
And re: surviving - they would have both been DOA if it wasn't for medical intervention. Especially the heart attack via clotting case.
The clots can occur anywhere at all in the bloodstream, but initially they are free-floating. At a certain level of accumulation/saturation at any random place, they coagulate within the blood vessels blocking them. But until that happens, the blood follows normally. Medcram.com has too much info on it (they did episodes every day for at least 6 months, covering all the new info), but it's very well presented and mostly well organized. Cherry-pick according to the name of each presentation.
Thank you for the thoughtful replies!
I have much to reconsider.
WWG1WGA, fren. It's why we're here.
Had either of them received vaccines?