One thing to remember is that Big Pharma got a free pass on long-term human testing and on animal testing because of the warp speed emergency push. Animal studies done in the process of trying to develop a vaccine for SARS-CV-1 (80% identical to SARS-CV-2 aka Covid-19) had horrific results (all animals died from ADE/cytokine storm when exposed to a coronavirus in the wild months after receiving the injections. These results caused them to abandon attempts to find a SARS-CV-1 vaccine.) Presumably long-term human testing and animal testing on the current vaccines had the potential for similarly shocking results and I'm sure Big Pharma was glad to take the emergency approval granted despite the lack of testing.
Big pharma could not turn down the money that Trump offered them to push the vaccine through.
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One thing to remember is that Big Pharma got a free pass on long-term human testing and on animal testing because of the warp speed emergency push. Animal studies done in the process of trying to develop a vaccine for SARS-CV-1 (80% identical to SARS-CV-2 aka Covid-19) had horrific results (all animals died from ADE/cytokine storm when exposed to a coronavirus in the wild months after receiving the injections. These results caused them to abandon attempts to find a SARS-CV-1 vaccine.) Presumably long-term human testing and animal testing on the current vaccines had the potential for similarly shocking results and I'm sure Big Pharma was glad to take the emergency approval granted despite the lack of testing.