DMX dead at 50. Family says he had gotten COVID vaccine days before a heart attack that sent him to the hospital. Link to story in comments.
? Research Wanted ?

Wait, what? I didn't know celebrities were dying from the vaccine. Who? Not that any have actually died from the virus though.
Dead from vaccination: Hank Aaron, Larry king, Marvin Hagler. Ben Stein wasn’t doing well last I heard, I don’t know if he is still with us or not. Some in the news and media on a more local seen as well.
This is the latest compilation article pdf, https://files.catbox.moe/yteqjs.pdf “Mar 28 2021”
Highly effective (large) pdf for sharing: 200mgb of Social media posts 124 pages, https://files.catbox.moe/vkazdp.pdf
I can’t find anything on Ben Stein. Is this confirmed?
Ben did a YT video about three weeks ago, a few weeks after he got his second shot. Said it knocked him on his ass for a week but was feeling much better.
A lot of commenters were takling about how frail and unsteady he looked, but then again... he hasn't been on TV in nearly 10 years and he is 77.
He looked like that before he got the vaccine though.
Hank Aaron is pretty much 100% vaccine related. There are social media posts saying, “Hank Aaron is in the hospital following COVID vaccine, but not to worry he is working on a speedy recovery!” And then a day or two later the news say that he has passed away.
It was reported that Hank and Marvin got the vaccine a week or two prior. I know it was reported in one case by friends on social media BEFORE the death. Think it was Marvin. Of course this is blocked out by the media.
If they died of CV19 (or is it 20 now?) how can we prove it was from the vaccine? The timing of it certainly fits in the incubation period and their age put them in risk groups.
Wait till those who got the vaccine months or over a year later start dying.
Really stupid to take the vaccine when you’re already struggling IMO