Let’s not forget Trump’s EO on the 1776 Commission. (We’re watching a movie)
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Correct. Sauce: https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/535146-biden-signs-executive-order-rescinding-controversial-1776-commission
The 2nd day I think it was gone
Just looked at Byedin's EOs and cannot find the one where he revoked it. Does anyone know what EO it is?
Good question, I am not seeing it either.
If you do find it, please post it on here, and I will apologize for this post, and make a promise to do better research before making another one! Thank you! God bless you!
Found it under Sec. 10 of this EO: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/25/2021-01753/advancing-racial-equity-and-support-for-underserved-communities-through-the-federal-government
You’re awesome!
pretty sick movie to allow mass genocide
Is gynocide when chemicals are injected into ones vagina?
sorry, genocide
Allow mass genocide you say..These people brought it on them self. They are hell bend on taking that shot no matter what even tho its a 99,3% survival rate.. And if Trump would said it wasn't safe they would fucking run to get that shot..These people are victims to their own stupidity. The only way we can free us from this stupidity is with serious consequences.
And i don't believe they will let billions die..
true about them volunteering for it, except "they" want billions to die and would love it if it happens
when does it kill them?
I thought Supreme Court ruled that Presidents cannot rescind past presidents' EOs?
See: Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. vs. Sawyer: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RS20846.pdf.
We are currently witnessing the 're education phase' for brainwashed normies.