Prince Phillip is the Distraction Story. Ammo loaded, ammo spent. They've become PREDICTABLE. It will barely buy them a week. "Look here, not there!" - Ministry of Truth.
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Britain will now have an entire week long funeral ceremony for Philip.
It will distract the people of Britain from the fact that thousands are dying every week from taking the "vaccine".
Wouldn’t that piss a lot of them off that he gets a funeral and meanwhile many people that are dead from the covid and other causes during the lockdowns still haven’t had funerals, many funerals are being put off until after “everything goes back to normal”. Not sure things will ever go back to normal. That sure as f would piss me off that he gets a huge funeral and I haven’t even had a funeral for a loved one who has passed.
No, they really are as dumb as fuck and will accept it like the sheep they are.
Depends, we are dealing with a lot of sheep who secretly want to be ruled: just look at how they even make excuses for the likes of Pelosi and Lightfoot that they can get a haircut because they are "important" and didn't care that Al Gore burned more carbon than a thousand people with all his private jetting around because after all he's doing "important" work.
There will be an even bigger crowd than George Floyd’s memorial service
Casket probably won’t be as nice though.
that is definitely a precipice that people will face, I've thought of that too. Normal folks like you and me can't have a funeral for our loved ones (after not even being able to visit them in the hospital) yet the elites get big state funerals. That's a good red pill right there.
It won't be a state funeral, they said. And ordinary people aren't invited.
Even if they are pissed off, they’re not gonna do jack shit.
Do you have a source on that? That seems absurdly high.