Prince Phillip is the Distraction Story. Ammo loaded, ammo spent. They've become PREDICTABLE. It will barely buy them a week. "Look here, not there!" - Ministry of Truth.
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I would not bet on Charles abdicating the throne. He has waited all his life to become King.
I could agree with that.
I ask myself though, what would be better PR for the firm?
An older couple with a past or a young family with children, able to do tours and promote the brand overseas?
Charles is heavily involved in various businesses and interests around the globe and may be content to do that in the background.
Maybe he’ll take the crown for a term like 4 or 5 years and then abdicate for the good PR having William be the figurehead while he works behind the scenes.
The Royal Family are like British Leyland as they morphed into Austin Rover and ultimately Rover.
The only hope is that the Indians rescue William and Kate make them honorary Maharaja and maharani like Tata did with LandRover.
Charles is the only prince in history who killed the princess to marry the dragon. And after 50 years of waiting he surely wants to share his throne with Rottweiler Camilla.
I agree he will want his name in the list of Monarchs in the history books.