Last night I read about the volcano erupting on St Vincent for the first time since April 20th 1979.
Hours later Philip is dead.
1979 was the year that his mentor uncle Mountbatten was blown up, but on March 28th 1979 Airey Neave was blown up in his car whilst driving into the tunnels beneath Parliament( U.K.) known as Pindar( ref Skyfall).
Were Airey Neave and Mountbatten sacrificed?
The rest of the events from that year are weirdly similar to events that have taken place or are likely to take place this year.
Lots of coups, replacement of leaders following sudden death and the last months of Carter’s govt which could be compared to Sleepy Joes.
1 difference: in '79 most of us THOUGHT we were free.
IMO it's better that we know the truth.
Always. But you both get an updoot
Xiden will take carter's place as worst president ever.
[Hussein] was the worst. No one can replace him for that title unless Harris manages to go full Commie on us and attempt a nationwide crackdown on us.
Agreed, Joe is just a shit, big-ass version of Conky, without the charisma.
Into the rabbit hole we go
Time Travel creates time loops.
History repeats itself.
Q was right.
You could dismiss it but it’s uncanny the parallels between the 2 years even down to the 3 mile island ( nuclear event) and the rising volcanic activity .Mount Saint Helens was early in 1980for space X replace it with the shuttle, Iran is still Iran, the Pope died probably going to happen again.
There was a Russian called Kondratiev that believed that world events spun in cycles of 60 years divided by lesser cycles the point being maybe we are at one of those points where so many geo- political events cross with each other on repeats of 3, 6, 10, 15, 20, 30 that it becomes a crazy rollercoaster period not necessarily aligned to dates just a period of time equal to maybe 3 to 5 years.
I hope Francis dies. Painfully.
Wishing him a slow painful death is probably what he has been praying for all his life.
Lord Mountbatten the ship is currently next to ever given
Also Spain 1936.