Do you think it's still a good idea even with the price sitting where it is now? I missed the $50 buy-in phase that happened a while back (not the first wave, but the second, after the first crash). I've been hesitant ever since missing the bus...
I would buy at least one now to guarantee your ticket to the moon/Andromeda. Then I would wait to see if there is more dips as it gets closer to 4/15th to 4/20th. I don't want to datefag but at least it gives you a estimate to plan your buying strategy. Not a financial advice just a smooth brain ape :D.
Citadel, Susquehanna International Group , Scytl, Smartmatic, Dominion
I hope you all bought some Gamestop shares. Shit is about to go Boom
Do you think it's still a good idea even with the price sitting where it is now? I missed the $50 buy-in phase that happened a while back (not the first wave, but the second, after the first crash). I've been hesitant ever since missing the bus...
Buy, hold, then buy again. Do not follow conventional wisdom. Buy, keep buying hold the line. Make them pay.
Diamond hands until we kill Citadel.
Yes its discount!!
Buy buy buy!.
The bus haven't left yet. I personally been averaging up from average of 80$ to now 125$ I bought 25 more last week at 185$ after i sold some crypto
Remember this is not financial advice!!! Im a retard! btw retard is an anagram for trader
Yes I too hope I didn’t miss the bus. Just bought in with 3 shares, will continue as I can
Congratulation you now a future millionaire
I would buy at least one now to guarantee your ticket to the moon/Andromeda. Then I would wait to see if there is more dips as it gets closer to 4/15th to 4/20th. I don't want to datefag but at least it gives you a estimate to plan your buying strategy. Not a financial advice just a smooth brain ape :D.