To me she studied what most of us studied and has an audience of fairly new people she is trying to explain stuff too. She admits her opinion os her own. I dont agree there are 6o million Biden voters, I've seen math that leaves it closer to 25 million and I simply think the Supreme Court is corrupted. The utter failure to allow for redress.of grievances left trump the military who were in it from before trump. I do think she is correct about the republic.
This was posted a couple days ago but got very little upvotes. Please listen to it and comment. I don't know who is speaking. At first I thought maybe Jenna Ellis. If anyone knows please post. She speaks with certainty and that gives me a beautiful shot of hopium for this lovely spring Friday.
To me she studied what most of us studied and has an audience of fairly new people she is trying to explain stuff too. She admits her opinion os her own. I dont agree there are 6o million Biden voters, I've seen math that leaves it closer to 25 million and I simply think the Supreme Court is corrupted. The utter failure to allow for redress.of grievances left trump the military who were in it from before trump. I do think she is correct about the republic.
The audio is bad and tinny. You’d think if they were on the inside they would have better equipment.
Not Jenna Ellis. Could be someone else we haven't thought of yet.