Yes Philip is dead. By now its a "no shit sherlock" statement. Already old hat, he was on deaths door two months ago. He just finally had the good grace to step across the threshold at last. Unless you can link the death to comms i see little value in beating a literally dead horse.
This is going to eat up tv news cycles for yonks, so ignore it. I suspect we are going to get some shills doing nothing but try and make us talk about the guy. Personally, ill remember him as the teller of every racist joke in Britain. So my advice is ignore the noise. Focus on the following instead:
- hunter laptop reveals
- michigan scientific proof of fraud
- az pushing to sue auditors via perkins coie
- the boycott and strategies to adapt diet and goodsources
- covid proofs
- "biden" actor getting more and more demented over time.
- the various states breaking ranks on the culture wars and various vaccine related mandates
- gov. Newsom recall
- raffessperger floundering in Georgia too
- border madness
- veritas, lindell, and powell lawsuits are looking like easy wins now.
- texas suing basically everyone for fraud on the election, again.
- SCJ Thomas speaking out on section 230
- all the activity of the 5th and 7th fleets, in the red and south china seas (respectively i think).
- more FISA stuff and more DECLAS
The next week or two will be amoke from the msm so dig deep pedes, and beware the shills flooding the boards with low effort work. Push hard pedes, the line is moving in our favour slowly under our weight. Hold, step, hold, step, until we take the world back from the cabal.
Copy that, fren. Focus on the signal, not the noise.