They want to make sure any future rallies of conservatives are falsely claimed to be racist!
This wrap-up-smear propaganda serves two purposes— Stir up hate on all conservatives and makes conservatives afraid to have rallies!
No one from our team should go to this event. It is the rabid communists seeking to start a race war. I would not go to a protest rally called “White Lives Matter.” Not that I don’t have pride in my race, but I am more proud of being a Patriot. I hope this is not an idiotic white hat psyop.
If & when the time calls for it, I will show up with my pitchfork and end the evil perpetrated by communists no matter what color they are.
Yes, they are coming to my city Huntington Beach. Apparently KKK is going to show up and WLM (White Lives Matter) people think the KKK people are going to ruin it for them, perfect opportunity to send Black Lives Matter, they have also been granted a permit to protest at the same time. It's going to be a shit show here on Sunday. I will be observing from a distance, as I do believe they will want to rope in regular Trump supporters into this non sense. They hate HB because we stood up to BLM and blocked them from marching down Main St.
? Still in tears over the first five words of your title ?. Brilliant!
Updoot because it made me think of those toxic avenger movies my brother used to make me watch, and then I was crying too.
.... you don’t know about the rally? Aren’t you tasked with bringing the snacks?
They're hoping someone shows up to counter the "rally."
They are all showing up at reddit with rakes, hammers, typewriters, theater nukes, and adult toys! Did I mention rope?
Only idiot Normies and idiot MSM absorbing Leftists will believe this.
They want to make sure any future rallies of conservatives are falsely claimed to be racist! This wrap-up-smear propaganda serves two purposes— Stir up hate on all conservatives and makes conservatives afraid to have rallies!
No one from our team should go to this event. It is the rabid communists seeking to start a race war. I would not go to a protest rally called “White Lives Matter.” Not that I don’t have pride in my race, but I am more proud of being a Patriot. I hope this is not an idiotic white hat psyop.
If & when the time calls for it, I will show up with my pitchfork and end the evil perpetrated by communists no matter what color they are.
Me too!
Yes, they are coming to my city Huntington Beach. Apparently KKK is going to show up and WLM (White Lives Matter) people think the KKK people are going to ruin it for them, perfect opportunity to send Black Lives Matter, they have also been granted a permit to protest at the same time. It's going to be a shit show here on Sunday. I will be observing from a distance, as I do believe they will want to rope in regular Trump supporters into this non sense. They hate HB because we stood up to BLM and blocked them from marching down Main St.
WHITE LIVES MATTER rallies, going on all over the country....FUCKIN honeypots, DO NOT GO
Darn! That was THIS Sunday?! I forgot. :-(