I normally avoid mainstream media like the proverbial plague, but I like 'Hard Bastard' and his sardonic deconstruction of MSM shit, so I gave this a go.
Oh my God. Not one single sentence either of these two viragoes exchanges does not contain the grossest, most bare-naked emotional manipulation, fearmongering, and outright indoctrination LIES.
I may light-heartedly post on here that the vaccinated deserve what's coming to them etc, but in reality I do reserve humanity for them in my true conscience and hope as many as possible escape their potential fate.
But for these EVIL SICK SOULLESS BASTARDS in the MSM, and I really mean this, they truly deserve public execution in the most painful, protracted, degrading way possible. How the fuck can people have children, look them in the eye each day, and then still go and commit these crimes against humanity for their day jobs?
The mind control program has been going on for a long time. Those that push it were also recipients first. Some of them had it much worse than the general populace (Monarch/MKUltra).
Even if they deserve death or GITMO for other crimes they may have done, they still deserve our pity. Many were brainwashed since birth and never had a chance for a different life.
Never be afraid to err on the side of compassion, even for those that must be sentenced to death for the health of the rest of humanity.
It is entirely possible to believe wholeheartedly the covid narrative. If you believe the narrative to be true, to do anything else but push the narrative on your children would be bad (evil) behavior within that belief system.
This is what all parents do to their children. They attempt to instill a moral code based on their own belief system. This is what the Luciferians hijacked, thousands of years ago (maybe since the dawn of civilization). This is the basis for the social control aspect of all religions (which includes the current covid narrative).
Even if we are not following one of the many Luciferian narratives (they have several for controlled opposition), we are still following this pattern, instilling our own moral code as an "emotional matrix" in our children, overwriting what they would have had if we were not their parents.
We believe this particular Luciferian narrative is bad, but that is because it is so easy to do independent investigation and see the bad. But what about all the other narratives the Luciferians either started or touched and manipulated to their design? If you think there exists a major religion that escaped them, I believe you are not doing sufficient independent investigation and are instead stuck within a repurposed "emotional matrix".
The only way to remove all of their designs for social control and manipulation is to get rid of them (the people) completely, and learn to live without them. I assert that compassion will be a key element of our future. That doesn't mean there is no place for anger, it is an essential human emotion, but it must be tempered with compassion in order to see the root and justification (or not) of the anger.
From the mid-1950s onward, NTL put the majority of the nation's corporate leaderships through such brainwashing programs, while running similar programs for the State Department, the Navy, the Department of Education, and other sections of the federal bureaucracy. There is no firm estimate of the number of Americans who have been put through this process in last 40 years at either NTL, or as it is now known the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Sciences, which is based in Rosslyn, Virginia, or its West Coast base of operations, the Western Training Laboratories in Group Development, or in various satellite institutions. The most reliable estimate is in the several millions.
One of the groups that went through the NTL mill in the 1950s was the leadership of the National Education Association, the largest organization of teachers in the United States. Thus, the NEA's outlook has been "shaped" by Tavistock, through the NTL. In 1964, the NTL Institute became a direct part of the NEA, with the NTL setting up "group sessions" for all its affiliates. With funding from the Department of Education, the NTL Institute drafted the programs for the training of the nation's primary and secondary school teachers, and has a hand as well in developing the content of educational "reforms," including OBE [Outcome Based Education].
Also known as the International Institute for Applied Behavioral Sciences. This institute is a brainwashing center in artificial stress training whereby participants suddenly find themselves immersed in defending themselves against vicious accusations. NTL takes in the National Education Association, the largest teacher group in the United States. While officially decrying "racism", it is interesting to note that NTL, working with NEA, produced a paper proposing education vouchers which would separate the hard-to-teach children from the brighter ones, and funding would be allocated according to the number of difficult children who would be separated from those who progressed at a normal rate. The proposal was not taken up.