What is this, some sort of a sick joke? Once I saw him in his pjs with a doily over his eyes I chuckled heartily. Eating paint chips and boogers leads to this.
I don’t remember it in any of Q’s original drops, why are we looking for allies to lynch when our votes don’t count and sellout child rapists sold us out to China?
Do you even Q?
this^ it's like they don't read the drops...
So we've devolved to channeling spirits(actually demons) now? What's next, reading Chicken entrails?
It's disturbing that's for sure.
Lin Wood said he didn't trust him one bit.
Obviously, a deep state cut out to be the face of their secret space program.
I've always been skeptical of musk. If he turned it was really recent because everything he does is tied to gov money or subsidies
I don't need some gootube video to tell me he's no good.
Well if Ra said it, it must be true. Someone get a rope.
For those of you who don't trust Ra, perhaps we should wait until something more conclusive is presented before we start hanging people.
The pot smoking was a dead giveaway! Trying too hard to be a "regular" dude!
What is this, some sort of a sick joke? Once I saw him in his pjs with a doily over his eyes I chuckled heartily. Eating paint chips and boogers leads to this.
Wtf is Ra?
I don’t remember it in any of Q’s original drops, why are we looking for allies to lynch when our votes don’t count and sellout child rapists sold us out to China?
I do agree with the statement to never allow someone to implant anything into your body.