Have you seen the tapes of him during the deposition where he rocks back and forth and asks for the definition of simple words? Yeah, you’ll get nothing but a migraine.
This^ & exactly what JFK Jr. did in the survival guide to the Future edition; interviewed BG and made him think he was SO important. pictures of him relaxed and talking...like he was actually a 'friend' of JFKJr.
He would lie and you would learn nothing or be deceived. Even if he didn't lie you would have no way of knowing, so you'd be back to guessing anyway. I like to avoid people I know can't be trusted. ymmv
What could you possible hope to learn from a known liar?
Have you seen the tapes of him during the deposition where he rocks back and forth and asks for the definition of simple words? Yeah, you’ll get nothing but a migraine.
This^ & exactly what JFK Jr. did in the survival guide to the Future edition; interviewed BG and made him think he was SO important. pictures of him relaxed and talking...like he was actually a 'friend' of JFKJr.
He would lie and you would learn nothing or be deceived. Even if he didn't lie you would have no way of knowing, so you'd be back to guessing anyway. I like to avoid people I know can't be trusted. ymmv
Guy below is referencing this
Psychopaths are demented, sick, warped. What could anyone learn from this demon except that he serves ultimate evil?