Mask Math
The Covid virus size is 0.125 Microns diameter. The cross section area of the virus is 0.012 square microns.
The pore size in an N95 mask is 80 Microns in diameter. The cross section area of the pore is about 5020 square microns.
Dividing the hole size by the virus size, The holes in the mask are 409,600 times bigger than the virus the mask is supposed to trap.
That is the same as trying to catch a golf ball (diameter 1.68 inches) by using a net that has holes 89.6 feet in diameter.
Nope. It is transmitted through prolonged exposure (15 minutes minimum) to an infected person who is in close proximity (within 6 feet)
Cant believe everything the CDC says, but its also "airborne" according to them.
It is airborne in that it is transmitted through the is not “airborne” in the term of art definition which is transmission in the air over long distances and time. In other words it is not infecting people via traveling through the air vents in and office building ala the movie Outbreak Droplets can hang out in the air "from minutes to hours". If the CDC is lying, I get it. Gotta listen to someone as I'm not the guy who determines how its spread.
Yeah so they think it can linger maybe minutes to hours in the air but no evidence shows transmission over long distances. Have to be both. This is why there were scientists trying to get the WHO to say its airborne. They werent doing that because the WHO didnt think it was transmitted through the air...its because in terms of pandemics that term takes on a whole new meaning
Medically speaking, you wouldn't call that airborne then. Just saying.