Mask Math
The Covid virus size is 0.125 Microns diameter. The cross section area of the virus is 0.012 square microns.
The pore size in an N95 mask is 80 Microns in diameter. The cross section area of the pore is about 5020 square microns.
Dividing the hole size by the virus size, The holes in the mask are 409,600 times bigger than the virus the mask is supposed to trap.
That is the same as trying to catch a golf ball (diameter 1.68 inches) by using a net that has holes 89.6 feet in diameter.
“Airborne transmission of infectious agents refers to the transmission of disease caused by the dissemination of droplet nuclei that remain infectious when suspended in air over long distance and time”
Ventilation kills covid not allowing it to tavel great distances and infect. We have no evidence of any transmission outside of close contact indoors for 15+ minutes. There are some that theorize that covid could be airborne but no evidence backs this. Sorry that youre wrong