Today at work, I was doing a tour of a military base as my job works with these folks from time to time.
When I was walking down a hallway, I noticed the typical board stating "who's in charge here". It had several generals, leaders, and the usual chain of command. At the top of the chain, where you would normally see POTUS, there was simply a piece of white printer paper with the text saying "photo not yet chosen" and the rectangle where there would be a name, was blank.
Not a single printout, photo, name, or mention of Xiden anywhere. Made my day.
Can confirm, I work at a government facility. They had Trump and Pence until the 20th, there still are no photos of Joe and Kamala. It's been what, three months? Could be nothing but definitely strange.
It can take up to 6 mths for those photos to be made and dissemk ated. This is based on my Naval experience.
And that was in better times. Who knows how long it'll be this go 'round.
At the facility I worked at, it took took no days. Changing the local commander's pictures took zero hours. It was immediate.
We had trumps up in 2 days