I suggest you read Dr Judy Mikovitz's (virologist) book, the "Plague of Corruption" on page 43... " In January of 2018, a writer named Baxter Dmitry published an article in which he claimed a senior scientist at the Centers for Disease Control told him, " Some of the patients that I've administered the flu shot to this year have died. I don't care who you are, this scares the crap out of me. We have seen people dying across the country of the flu, and the one thing nearly all of them have in common is they got the flu shot."
On February 12, 2018, Dr Timothy Cunningham left his job at the Centers for Disease Control early, claiming he didn't fell well. If we are to believe the news accounts, after arriving home, he put on his black jogging shoes, went for a run and disappeared."
" On April 3, 2018, more than 7 weeks after he had disappeared, some fishermen in the Chattahoochee River spotted a body tangled in debris. It was Dr Timothy Cunningham."
Dr Judy Mikovitz, her doctoral thesis changed the treatment of AIDS, is a highly respected virologist with nearly 4 decades in science. Her books should be read by everyone in today's world.
" Plague" is One Scientist's Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases.
"Plague of Corruption" Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science
On page 100, she explains " A retrovirus is composed of RNA"
On page 101 ' But HIV-AIDS was a wake up call to the danger of retroviruses. They could be just as dangerous as the typical virus. But HIV really was an outlier among retroviruses. It killed it's victims within a few years."
So, she said a retovirus is composed of RNA, and AIDS is a retrovirus, the Covid Vaccine is an RNA vaccine. WTF!
There is a big difference between "this" vaccine is bad, and "all" vaccines are bad. Q even goes out of his way to make the distinction.
The article in this post is trying to imply that no vaccine of any type has ever worked. It arguably falls under the banner of an antivax conspiracy, with many innuendos and few hard scientific facts. For example, at no point in the article above does the author go out of his way to try and falsify his own hypothesis. That is a huge red flag that what you are reading should be read with a high degree of caution. All genuine science addresses alternative explanations as well as the author's hypothesis and calls attention to the merits of both.
I'm getting downvoted to hell in this thread but I don't even care. You are absolutely right that this is a Q forum. This post is anti-vax post claiming historically vaccinnes weren't effective with absolutely no proof to back it up. And it's stickied on the front page...
The Q team is an intelligent, logical organization. Why can't the board be the same? Both Q and Trump have said not all vaccines are bad so why is this post up?
It takes away from the what Q is trying to achieve.
I just saw a bunch of graphs that clearly show the deadliness of all of the classic diseases dropping rapidly well before widespread vaccinations for said diseases, if that isn't proof enough that there is some validity to the claim that "vaccines take credit for something they did not accomplish", then I don't know what is.
You say "absolutely no proof to back it up", yet I am staring at said proof right now. If you want, why don't you show me why these graphs are incorrect.
Not very familiar with Q are you, handshake?
I suggest you read Dr Judy Mikovitz's (virologist) book, the "Plague of Corruption" on page 43... " In January of 2018, a writer named Baxter Dmitry published an article in which he claimed a senior scientist at the Centers for Disease Control told him, " Some of the patients that I've administered the flu shot to this year have died. I don't care who you are, this scares the crap out of me. We have seen people dying across the country of the flu, and the one thing nearly all of them have in common is they got the flu shot." On February 12, 2018, Dr Timothy Cunningham left his job at the Centers for Disease Control early, claiming he didn't fell well. If we are to believe the news accounts, after arriving home, he put on his black jogging shoes, went for a run and disappeared." " On April 3, 2018, more than 7 weeks after he had disappeared, some fishermen in the Chattahoochee River spotted a body tangled in debris. It was Dr Timothy Cunningham."
Dr Judy Mikovitz, her doctoral thesis changed the treatment of AIDS, is a highly respected virologist with nearly 4 decades in science. Her books should be read by everyone in today's world.
" Plague" is One Scientist's Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases. "Plague of Corruption" Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science On page 100, she explains " A retrovirus is composed of RNA" On page 101 ' But HIV-AIDS was a wake up call to the danger of retroviruses. They could be just as dangerous as the typical virus. But HIV really was an outlier among retroviruses. It killed it's victims within a few years."
So, she said a retovirus is composed of RNA, and AIDS is a retrovirus, the Covid Vaccine is an RNA vaccine. WTF!
Dec 11 2020: (Hiv side effect?!)
Thanks for the suggested reading! I think you’re on to something.
I think he is very familiar with Q
There is a big difference between "this" vaccine is bad, and "all" vaccines are bad. Q even goes out of his way to make the distinction.
The article in this post is trying to imply that no vaccine of any type has ever worked. It arguably falls under the banner of an antivax conspiracy, with many innuendos and few hard scientific facts. For example, at no point in the article above does the author go out of his way to try and falsify his own hypothesis. That is a huge red flag that what you are reading should be read with a high degree of caution. All genuine science addresses alternative explanations as well as the author's hypothesis and calls attention to the merits of both.
Vaccines are all bad. Not all are as programed to damage quickly as this newest one. https://files.catbox.moe/ek0fhi.jpeg
Using the liberal term “Anti-Vax” tells me your anti-Facts.
“WHO is a front for these depopulation interests.” July 9 2007: “Jon Rappoport interview of ex vaccine researcher” https://archive.vn/o7u59
Feb 5, 2010: “Why The WHO Faked A Pandemic” https://archive.vn/ck4Yp
I'm getting downvoted to hell in this thread but I don't even care. You are absolutely right that this is a Q forum. This post is anti-vax post claiming historically vaccinnes weren't effective with absolutely no proof to back it up. And it's stickied on the front page...
The Q team is an intelligent, logical organization. Why can't the board be the same? Both Q and Trump have said not all vaccines are bad so why is this post up?
It takes away from the what Q is trying to achieve.
I just saw a bunch of graphs that clearly show the deadliness of all of the classic diseases dropping rapidly well before widespread vaccinations for said diseases, if that isn't proof enough that there is some validity to the claim that "vaccines take credit for something they did not accomplish", then I don't know what is.
You say "absolutely no proof to back it up", yet I am staring at said proof right now. If you want, why don't you show me why these graphs are incorrect.
Thanks for this thread. It's important for us to know about this stuff and I believe it is Trump and Q related.