Honest question, there's a "surge" where I live in Canada, both my sisters tested positive and developed symptoms (basically flu-like symptoms) but she still can't smell and taste anything. Thing is, they both lost smell/taste about a day or two after being tested, so it leaves me wondering if that shitty PCR testing has anything to do with some of the symptoms.
When they knew they've been in contact with someone who tested positive, they basically had no symptoms but after getting tested but they appeared magically. I'm really scratching my head with this one, but either way, I know this whole thing is bullshit haha
May I add, I'm in Quebec and the lockdowns are so fucked up since the beginning that the vast majority, and I mean like, at least 90% of the people that I know (and of the population here based on the comments that I see online) are scared as shit of each and every new strain and it scares me to be honest... got back living with my mom since I couldn't handle living with a roommate who's anxious about Covid. The situation's really weird here, it feels like these people are living in another reality. Thanks to everyone of you, I don't feel batshit crazy when I see that things here are the real news, and I'm simply getting ready to help every one of my friends/family that basically thinks I'm nuts haha, I do what I can before they try to get a vaccine, if they get it anyway, that's what they were meant to do in their lives and there's nothing I can do about it. Been lurking everyday since october and this community made me stronger, so thanks to all of you (not you, fuckin shills)
On the contrary, here in West Australia we have had 0 lockdowns for the past year. Living free and wouldn't even know what c0vid is. But we have geographical advantages and our government would instantly lock us down if there was 1 case.
Nice to hear ! Honestly, they KO'd everyone's mental health with the early lockdowns last year and their plan is soooo obvious now. Something that's really not helping here, basically every single person I know HATES Trump. I absolutely cannot link Trump to anything because they won't listen if I say his name. They really got everyone by the balls with what the media did here with Trump. Now that Biden is here, they all kept sleeping, but it's deep sleep now. On TV yesterday they said that people who had Covid were having depression symptoms, as if that wasn't the fuckin lockdowns all year long hahaha I just laughed, if they don't wake up there's nothing to be done honestly
Sorry to hear thats going on over at our sister commonwealth country. I can only imagine how bad the mental health situation is over there . The brainwashing is absurd and a crime in itself
Honest question, there's a "surge" where I live in Canada, both my sisters tested positive and developed symptoms (basically flu-like symptoms) but she still can't smell and taste anything. Thing is, they both lost smell/taste about a day or two after being tested, so it leaves me wondering if that shitty PCR testing has anything to do with some of the symptoms.
When they knew they've been in contact with someone who tested positive, they basically had no symptoms but after getting tested but they appeared magically. I'm really scratching my head with this one, but either way, I know this whole thing is bullshit haha
May I add, I'm in Quebec and the lockdowns are so fucked up since the beginning that the vast majority, and I mean like, at least 90% of the people that I know (and of the population here based on the comments that I see online) are scared as shit of each and every new strain and it scares me to be honest... got back living with my mom since I couldn't handle living with a roommate who's anxious about Covid. The situation's really weird here, it feels like these people are living in another reality. Thanks to everyone of you, I don't feel batshit crazy when I see that things here are the real news, and I'm simply getting ready to help every one of my friends/family that basically thinks I'm nuts haha, I do what I can before they try to get a vaccine, if they get it anyway, that's what they were meant to do in their lives and there's nothing I can do about it. Been lurking everyday since october and this community made me stronger, so thanks to all of you (not you, fuckin shills)
On the contrary, here in West Australia we have had 0 lockdowns for the past year. Living free and wouldn't even know what c0vid is. But we have geographical advantages and our government would instantly lock us down if there was 1 case.
Nice to hear ! Honestly, they KO'd everyone's mental health with the early lockdowns last year and their plan is soooo obvious now. Something that's really not helping here, basically every single person I know HATES Trump. I absolutely cannot link Trump to anything because they won't listen if I say his name. They really got everyone by the balls with what the media did here with Trump. Now that Biden is here, they all kept sleeping, but it's deep sleep now. On TV yesterday they said that people who had Covid were having depression symptoms, as if that wasn't the fuckin lockdowns all year long hahaha I just laughed, if they don't wake up there's nothing to be done honestly
Sorry to hear thats going on over at our sister commonwealth country. I can only imagine how bad the mental health situation is over there . The brainwashing is absurd and a crime in itself