DC is at or below sea level and the Potomac floods. We've had a fair amount of rain the past few weeks, could be preparation for flooding, however, Capitol Hill is at elevation and not as prone to flooding. I'd guess a broken main or construction run off from sweeping. The POV is Penn Ave NW & 3rd St NW.
If it’s a water main break why is there sand bags placed all around ?
...days in advance.
Where are the sandbags in the video?
in a previous video on richards telegram channel.
DC is at or below sea level and the Potomac floods. We've had a fair amount of rain the past few weeks, could be preparation for flooding, however, Capitol Hill is at elevation and not as prone to flooding. I'd guess a broken main or construction run off from sweeping. The POV is Penn Ave NW & 3rd St NW.
If you wanna look around: https://www.google.com/maps/@38.8916595,-77.0151626,3a,75y,215.83h,92.8t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQ0tvMdNXe0hK7SPtydNQMA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
if thats the case, a single row of sand bags wont do anything.
do you know the elevation of the tunnels under the capitol?