Rick Roeber is the Kansas State Rep and he's been asked to hit the road because it's been discovered he sexually abused his kids. We all know Dems nor MSM have not even mentioned this, and if they were against this guy they would have been screaming bloody murder. Why haven't they? Because it's likelyTrump is the one behind this pedo's ouster, and the Dems don't want to give Trump credit.
Here's a link to the story:
There are 3 or 4 post today of what was on the Evergiven. I actually watched the broadcast yesterday.
Do you have links to anything? Are the posts you're referring to about the Turkish guy mentioning something about some weapon that works with the 5G towers to do something to the soil? If so, I don't think I saw him present any proof either. What broadcast are you referring to?
Yes, That was the Turkey broadcast....sure seems he was redpilling the other announcer. She was surprised. I watched the entire broadcast.