Rick Roeber is the Kansas State Rep and he's been asked to hit the road because it's been discovered he sexually abused his kids. We all know Dems nor MSM have not even mentioned this, and if they were against this guy they would have been screaming bloody murder. Why haven't they? Because it's likelyTrump is the one behind this pedo's ouster, and the Dems don't want to give Trump credit.
Here's a link to the story:
His own grown children are accusing him of abusing them in the past.
I believe them.
I can't believe that he has a fiance who still wants to marry him. IDIOT!
And Swalwell has a "girlfriend"
Apparently, the CCP is the path to any dreams of the traitorous.
Probably be a tranny deepstate handler, similar to Big Mike and Obummer.