Before you quote Q and say "Vaccines [Not all]", realize they also said "Think Mirror". They also have to put double-meanings to mislead their enemies. Not everything they post is intended to be literal.
J&J had to pay out billions for cancer-causing baby powder, so don't think they're the arbiter of health in any way shape or form. Regardless of whether a vaccine uses mRNA or not is irrelevant. These vaccines have the full intent of depopulation. The DS is panicking and they want us all gone. Those who took the vaccines are the first casualties of war.
However, I feel the calling for stopping J&J an act by the white-hats. It's just the first drip to the normies out there. Think about it. Only "6" complications? That's just what they're willing to admit to the news right now. Imagine what would happen when the dam breaks and the thousands of victim stories of the vaccine start making headway from all the other vaccines out there. How would the rest of the vaccinated population feel? This would cause a mass-panic.
you can look up the data yourself
Something to keep in mind while looking at government provided numbers: Feb 26 2021 "CDC caught shaving DEATH's from VAERS System!"
They have also told people if they experience side effects, that means it’s working. I’ve heard only about 1% actually make it to the reporting system. Then as in the “under investigation, or natural causes” and the true numbers could be heart breaking. Like the uk numbers that came out: Pdf: The resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively.
That is correct. The claim that VAERS only captures 1% of all events isn't just a conspiracy theory, a study conducted by Harvard came up with that estimate:
So we can take the numbers from VAERS and multiply them by 100X to get a sense of the real number. Right now VAERS is showing 2,342 deaths from covid19 vaccines so we may be looking at 234,200 deaths! If VAERS only captures 5% then the numbers are off by 20X and we'd be looking at 46,840 deaths. Either scenario is devastating.
Ooo thanks for the study and sauce! Great response. I agree the reality could be staggering. Definitely worthy of stopping the “study.”