501 Sealed Indictments lowdown. This is awesome. How can there be an escape? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by downwithuppish (context) 3 years ago by downwithuppish +503 / -2 145 comments download share 145 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
When the number was apx 223K, the indictments were said to be 196K
Who specifically said 196K of the 223K were sealed indictments?
As if they knew.
IIRC (it's been awhile) General McInerney. Got any evidence he's wrong? If so - go ahead and show it!
When did General McInerney speak on the percentage of legal cases and the number of sealed indictments that supports the large percentages being discussed here? Can you cite the specific source?