Yeah, well you should probably stop that then. It contributes nothing. Q said to track these things and that's what we're doing. I suppose if it bothers you, you could just avoid threads that track this.
Q said to track legal cases on pacer? When? What drop number?
Q said to track legal cases on pacer and to engage in baseless conjecture on the number of sealed indictments as part of the overall number of legal cases? When? What drop number?
And, again, when did General McInerney mention the number of sealed indictments making up a huge portion of the legal cases number on pacer?
Not much of a researcher are you? Have you ever even read Q posts? Because it looks like you don't actually know much about them.
Pacer? Why, yes. Pacer was endorsed by Q now that you mention it.
Are you aware that you are commenting in a Q research board? Did you land here by accident? What that means - try and keep up - is that this board is for Q RESEARCH. Which means looking at Q posts at the very least. Do you know where they are?
5 minutes of effort and you could have answered your own questions. Next time don't be such a manipulative lazy ass, and if you're going to troll this board: be better.
1658 1659 1772 3934 4621
Why? 3041
2626: yes, they are actual indictments, not just "cases".
1927: as a matter of fact, there were 45,000 sealed INDICTMENTS stacked up already in August of 2018, and even that was an extraordinary number.
2211: and a month later there were 10,000 more sealed INDICTMENTS.
1822: is this normal? No.
1659: how are they filed so fast? A huge team.
1392: Pacer searches authentic? Yes.
Does anyone know whose names are on them? No. Because they are sealed and guarded and there are no leaks of names. McInerney? Think so, but I'm not going to dig through a hundred videos looking for the correct clip for someone who doesn't even read Q posts.
Which has already been discussed ad infinitum. But thanks for repeating. Again.
“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.”
Yeah, well you should probably stop that then. It contributes nothing. Q said to track these things and that's what we're doing. I suppose if it bothers you, you could just avoid threads that track this.
Q said to track legal cases on pacer? When? What drop number?
Q said to track legal cases on pacer and to engage in baseless conjecture on the number of sealed indictments as part of the overall number of legal cases? When? What drop number?
And, again, when did General McInerney mention the number of sealed indictments making up a huge portion of the legal cases number on pacer?
Not much of a researcher are you? Have you ever even read Q posts? Because it looks like you don't actually know much about them.
Pacer? Why, yes. Pacer was endorsed by Q now that you mention it.
Are you aware that you are commenting in a Q research board? Did you land here by accident? What that means - try and keep up - is that this board is for Q RESEARCH. Which means looking at Q posts at the very least. Do you know where they are?
5 minutes of effort and you could have answered your own questions. Next time don't be such a manipulative lazy ass, and if you're going to troll this board: be better.
1658 1659 1772 3934 4621
Why? 3041
2626: yes, they are actual indictments, not just "cases".
1927: as a matter of fact, there were 45,000 sealed INDICTMENTS stacked up already in August of 2018, and even that was an extraordinary number.
2211: and a month later there were 10,000 more sealed INDICTMENTS.
1822: is this normal? No.
1659: how are they filed so fast? A huge team.
1392: Pacer searches authentic? Yes.
Does anyone know whose names are on them? No. Because they are sealed and guarded and there are no leaks of names. McInerney? Think so, but I'm not going to dig through a hundred videos looking for the correct clip for someone who doesn't even read Q posts.