Usually I don't remember my dreams and this one was really interesting.
I was playing golf and was at the green about to make a put. It was nice midday sunlight
All of a sudden I heard a loud thunderclap and I looked up in front of me and there was a massive storm cloud rapidly forming and spreading across the sky as I was watching it briefly.
I felt safe with this storm bit realised I need to get into shelter, but the only shelter around was in the direction of the storm so I started running into the storm and I was marvelling at the black clouds and all of a sudden a bolt of lightning fell and spilt into 5 branches striking the ground.
It didn't startle me or frighten me but it woke me up after hearing the lightning strike.
I lay awake thinking the Strom is the natural result of forces above us instead of running from the storm it was best to embrace it and weather it out, but the lightning had a sense of God's power behind it. For some reason seeing the lightning comforted me
That's a great dream!, I see it that God has a path for us that gets hidden In the problems we have in this world.
But it will be made clear and obvious the forgotten road will be the only way when we see past our problems
Is how and what we choose to perceive a key?
Maybe it's like Daniel in the Lion's Den, or Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego.
Onlookers saw ravenous lions and fiery flames. They walked with angels amid sweet breezes.
Or the first passover, when those whose doors (senses?) were marked with the lamb's blood/(Life) stayed peacefully safe and uplifted.
Or Lot's wife, who chose to look back/focus on the destruction and was transformed into a 'pillar of salt'.
It also implies a small portion being 'leaven' for the rising of the entire loaf.
(ADD: By the way, this is one gorgeous discussion + full of synchronicity.
I just left an online dream/Jungian/synchronicity gathering. And so many of the dreams shared here, have elements that also arose in that workshop.
This topic seems so dreamlike too. We seem to be creatively taking part in realities much 'higher up and further in.)